I wanted to become a cartoon artist, a portrait artist, and an illustrator. This was my first idea.
Its all about taste.If you are cheap, nothing helps
Music is part of the life of fashion, too.
Don't dress to kill, dress to survive.
Logos and branding are so important. In a big part of the world, people cannot read French or English--but are great in remembering signs.
The brain is a muscle, and I'm a kind of body-builder.
You were never told that Saint-Tropez is paradise?
I live my memoirs, I don’t have to write them down.
A sense of humour and a little lack of respect: That's what you need to make a legend survive.
I can do whatever I want.
In a meat-eating world, wearing leather for shoes and clothes and even handbags, the discussion of fur is childish.
I love dogs, but dogs, you have to be in the country with dogs. I cannot walk a dog on the street.
Everything has changed, and nothing has changed more than the world of fashion.
Stupidly it should not be. It should be also nice. One must get along with that. Is however not necessary.
I always loved advertising. If I hadn't been in fashion, I'd have been in advertising.
I drink Diet Coke from the minute I get up to the minute I go to bed.
Luxury is the income tax of vanity. But it is so pleasant.
It's only I have seen enough of it and the funny thing is now, I know that I'm skinny, because I know there are even smaller clothes in the store. I think I'm big, when I was big, I never thought about it.
I eat next to nothing.
I never smoked. I never drank and I never took drugs. The funny thing is, nothing is more boring, people like this. For me, it's OK. But most of my friends, at least they smoke and drink.
The first thing I do when I get up, I have breakfast.
I hate the past - especially my own past.
In France there are, I think, less than one per cent of people who are too skinny.
There are less than 1 per cent of anorexic girls, but there more than 30 per cent of girls in France - I don't know about England - that are much, much overweight. And it is much more dangerous and very bad for the health.