The mind contains all possibilities.
Gautama Buddha -
The four catagories of existance, non-existance, both existance and non-existance, and neither existance nor non-existance, are spiderwebs among spiderwebs which can never take hold of the enormous bird of reality.
Gautama Buddha
Live contemplating the body. Contemplate internally and externally. Contemplate the origination of things in the body. Contemplate the dissolution of things in the body.
Gautama Buddha -
Believe, meditate, see. Be harmless, be blameless. Awake to the law. And from all sorrows free yourself.
Gautama Buddha -
Rid of craving and without clinging, an expert in the study of texts, and understanding the right sequence of the words, he may indeed be called "In his last body", "Great in wisdom" and a "Great man."
Gautama Buddha -
Journey over, sorrowless, freed in every way, and with all bonds broken - for such a man there is no more distress.
Gautama Buddha -
Well-makers lead the water (wherever they like) ; fletchers bend the arrow ; carpenters bend a log of wood ; wise people fashion themselves.
Gautama Buddha -
Through effort you will cross any raging flood, through energy you will pass any sorrow.
Gautama Buddha
When a man makes utensils out of a metal which has been thoroughly cleansed of dross, the utensils will be excellent. You monks, who wish to follow the Way, make your own hearts clean from the dirt of evil passion, and your conduct will be unimpeachable.
Gautama Buddha -
Stay centered, do not overstretch. Extend from your center, return to your center.
Gautama Buddha -
Monks, when ignorance is abandoned, and knowledge arises in the monk, with the ending of ignorance and the arising of knowledge he clings neither to sense-pleasures, nor does he cling to views, nor to precepts and vows, nor to a Self-doctrine. Not clinking, he is not disturbed; not disturbed, he attains individually nibbana.
Gautama Buddha -
Wherever you live is your temple, if you treat it like one.
Gautama Buddha -
True and lasting inner peace can never be found in external things. It can only be found within in. And then, once we find and nurture it with ourselves, it radiates outward.
Gautama Buddha -
Sandalwood, tagara, lotus, jasmine - the fragrance of virtue is unrivalled by such kinds of perfume.
Gautama Buddha
Joyful is the accumulation of good work.
Gautama Buddha -
To awaken, sit calmly, letting each breath clear your mind and open your heart.
Gautama Buddha -
One is not a great one because one defeats or harms other living beings. One is so called because one refrains from defeating or harming other living beings.
Gautama Buddha -
A contemplative should pay equal attention to concentration, energetic effort and equanimity, and not exclusively to one of these factors only.
Gautama Buddha -
The wise say that it is not an iron, wooden or fiber fetter which is a strong one, but the besotted hankering after trinkets, children and wives, that, say the wise, is the strong fetter. It drags one down, and loose as it feels, it is hard to break. Breaking this fetter, people renounce the world, free from longing and abandoning sensuality.
Gautama Buddha -
Fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds.
Gautama Buddha
Whatever the hateful do to the hateful, or an enemy to an enemy, worse is the harm of a misguided mind directed at oneself.
Gautama Buddha -
And so, with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings.
Gautama Buddha -
Don't pray for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs.
Gautama Buddha -
The eating of meat extinguishes the seed of Great Kindness.
Gautama Buddha