Albert Einstein Quotes
Nothing happens until something moves. When something vibrates, the electrons of the entire universe resonate with it. Everything is connected.
Albert Einstein
Quotes to Explore
Some days, I'll tell you that everything in life was meant to be and that there is an order to the universe. Other days, I'm convinced it's all a combination of luck and opportunity.
Taylor Jenkins Reid
If we are a metaphor of the universe, the human couple is the metaphor par excellence, the point of intersection of all forces and the seed of all forms. The couple is time recaptured, the return to the time before time.
Octavio Paz
We don't really have a place in the universe, as far as on a timeline. But nothing else does, either. Therefore every moment really is the most important moment that's ever happened, including this moment right now.
Kaki King
The kitchen is where we deal with the elements of the universe. It is where we come to understand our past and ourselves.
Laura Esquivel
Most people believe that the Creator of the universe wrote (or dictated) one of their books. Unfortunately, there are many books that pretend to divine authorship, and each makes incompatible claims about how we all must live.
Sam Harris
I believe the universe has great plans for us. When you are young, you don't learn that.
It is impossible to imagine the universe run by a wise, just and omnipotent God, but it is quite easy to imagine it run by a board of gods.
H. L. Mencken
You can have a revolution wherever you like, except in a government office; even were the world to come to an end, you'd have to destroy the universe first and then government offices.
Karel Capek
It is proportion that beautifies everything, the whole universe consists of it, and music is measured by it.
Orlando Gibbons
Philosophy is written in this grand book, the universe, which stands continually open to our gaze. But the book cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and read the letters in which it is composed.
Galileo Galilei
Medieval alchemists, despite their lust for gold, considered mercury the most potent and poetic substance in the universe. As a child, I would have agreed with them.
Sam Kean
The All-Wise Maker attaches hundreds of instances of wisdom to each of the beings in the palace of the universe and equips them to perform hundreds of duties. To all trees He bestows instances of wisdom to the number of its fruits and gives duties to the number of its flowers.
Said Nursi
He gave man speech, and speech created thought, Which is the measure of the universe.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
The universe is intentional. It is always moving in the direction of greater love, regardless whether or not we consciously align with that love.
Marianne Williamson
There is an immutable conflict at work in life and in business, a constant battle between peace and chaos. Neither can be mastered, but both can be influenced. How you go about that is the key to success.
Phil Knight
Trade helps bring us products cheaply, but there is no guarantee whatsoever to assume that it will allow us to replace the jobs that have been lost, and there is no mechanism under productivity that says that, either.
Tim Bishop
It is not in virtue of its liberty that the human will attains to grace, it is much rather by grace that it attains to liberty.
Saint Augustine
Nothing happens until something moves. When something vibrates, the electrons of the entire universe resonate with it. Everything is connected.
Albert Einstein