I would rather be a person who struggled there than someone who had a great, easy time and then got out in the world and was like, "Wait a minute, I didn't get voted class president? What's going on?" You know, "popular" doesn't necessarily correlate to anything. "Popular" still has to get up at 7:00 in the morning and go to work and do something worthy too. There's no edge, really, that you get from being whatever was popular in school.
Texting is not flirting, if you don't care about me enough to say the words than that's not love, I don't like it!
The best you can hope for is a great collaborator.
The thing I don't like on television is when somebody does something that makes absolutely no sense just for the shock of it.
Maybe I should sit. Plenty of people use sitting as a way to pass the time.
Belly buttons are cool!
I've dated people who I thought were going to be a big deal in my life, and I've also spent long periods by myself.
Actors should ACT. Not sell perfume, or write cookbooks.
It's also show business. It's not "show fun friends".
If you do have something you love to do, the fun part of the job is no different than what was fun about doing it in high school for no money. I thought there would be some greater reward in succeeding.
As actors we always say that once the person in a scene gets what they want, the scene is over. It's resolved. But life is never resolved - you're always in the process.
I must work harder to achieve my goal of not seeking approval from those whose approval I'm not even sure is important to me.
I definitely wanted to be an actor. I didn't want to be on TV, I didn't want to be famous, I didn't want to be anyone in particular; I just wanted to do it. I see young people now who look at magazines, or American Idol and their goal is to have that lifestyle - to have good handbags, or go out with cute guys from shows, or whatever. But I definitely wanted to be an actor.
Getting anywhere you want is hard work. In this photography culture, everything looks so amazing. But it's actually very hard to get to where anybody gets.
All TV shows are basically part of the same storyline.
I love TV. I think I'd do a half-hour single-camera comedy.
I personally was driven to be an actor for the love of telling a story. It was very closely linked to being a reader as a kid and being transported by literature and art. It had nothing – zero – to do with anything resembling fame.
I am here to tell you there's nothing in people knowing you. There's actually a loss in that! Really, the reward in life is genuinely the day of work you have. It's not the name you're making for yourself or the clicks and likes - it's such an illusion.
It's core to my beliefs now: Sometimes in being given a challenge, you're actually being given a real opportunity, and a lot of that is how you handle it. Do you feel sorry for yourself or do you think, All right! I'll see what I can make out of this? I've had that over and over. If I hang out in the disappointment, I'll just be disappointed all the time.
I just don't know that a TV show demands a movie ending.
None of my characters have really had jobs.
Nobody ever seems to want my advice about serious stuff. People will be like: 'Who made that sweater?' Or 'How did you get your hair so straight?' They don't to come to me for the relationship advice or deep stuff. In fact, my little sister actually hides from me.
I have to introduce the part of me that feels like a winner to the part of me convinced I’m a loser, and see if they can’t agree to exist somewhere closer to the middle.
The parts for women, you're either like the quietly suffering wife or the wild girl.