Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes
Quotes to Explore
In any art, you don't know in advance what you want to say - it's revealed to you as you say it. That's the difference between art and illustration.
I don't really measure success by anything other than if I am happy. That is success to me. Am I happy waking up every morning? And despite the challenges of running my own business, do I look forward to going to work? Absolutely.
You can only begin to share life well when you think well of yourself.
Gay kids need to stop killing themselves because they are made to feel worthless by cruel and relentless bullying.
The stopwatch doesn't lie. The tape measure doesn't lie.
People often believe that character causes action, but when it comes to producing moral children, we need to remember that action also shapes character.
I think that it's important for every single person, no matter what they do in life, to participate in the well-being of humanity and the planet. Don't let a year go by knowing you didn't make an effort to do something - no matter how small - outside your own problems and drama.
A boy doesn't have to go to war to be a hero; he can say he doesn't like pie when he sees there isn't enough to go around.
Becoming a mom made me more contentious about expressing my true taste.
Baking is my pastime. I just love creating things. But it's not what I want to do for a living. Acting is what I want to do.
There are no plans that always work in life. For me, the secret to happiness is being positive and looking at the brighter side of my life.
The cat is classic whilst the dog is Gothic - nowhere in the animal world can we discover such really Hellenic perfection of form, with anatomy adapted to function, as in the felidae.
A friend of mine encouraged me to try rapping, so I started experimenting with it, writing verses, seeing if I could fit an extra word or syllable into each line without tripping myself up.
We must improve our lives and we will do it together - all of our citizens and myself as president of Ukraine.
I can't write if someone else is in the house, not even the cleaning woman.
I'm really silly. That's the thing that people don't get.
How can I wage political battle against a widow who does not mean anyone any harm except only the president himself?
Politics is a necessary evil, or a necessary annoyance, a necessary conundrum.
If my love is without sacrifice, it is selfish. Such a love is barter, for there is exchange of love and devotion in return for something. It is conditional love.
Theres a way about it: tearing people down, but not tearing them apart.
Growing up is never straight forward. There are moments when everything is fine, and other moments where you realize that there are certain memories that you'll never get back, and certain people that are going to change, and the hardest part is knowing that there's nothing you can do except watch them.
Nothing remains the same from one moment to the next, you can't step into the same river twice. Life--evolution--the whole universe of space/time, matter/energy--existence itself--is essentially change.
Faith is never identical with piety.
Our faith comes in moments; our vice is habitual.