I was kind of surprised that, about 99 percent of the people grabbed the thing in Valerian.You know it's their thing. And I'm very impressed by that.
Life was given to us a billion years ago. What have we done with it?
Be humble and say okay, all right, I have to prep myself. So everybody prepped, and we finished the film Valerian four days before the end.
Cinema never saved anyone's life, it is not a medicine that will save anyone's life. It is only an aspirin.
'NOTA', for his film Lucy, as quoted in 'Luc Besson's Statement Of Intent For 'Lucy' Compares The Film To '2001,' 'Inception' & 'Leon The Professional'' by Kevin Jagernauth, in Indiewire (28 July 2014)
Learning's always a painful process.
I think we have the wrong notion of commercial and intellectual or artistic film. Because all films are commercial.
My biggest surprise is probably the level of involvement of all the artists in Valerian who participated at every level.
You humans act so strange. Everything you create is used to destroy.
I'm always attracted by people who are lost in their time. I think it helps us.
This film is extremely visual. It is difficult to describe in words without running the risk of losing or boring the reader. I have come up with a simplified summary, therefore, like a readers guide, which will conjure up the images in as few words as possible :
When I got the camera on the shoulder, they give me a nickname. They call me 'the tripod' because I'm kind of short and kind of strong. So if I take the camera and I lock myself, you think that you're on a crane.
You no trouble. Me... Fifth element... supreme being... me protect you.
I saw Cara Delevingne like five, six times. And I was never talking about the film Valerian. And then at the end, I say okay, let's do some test. She says yeah, yeah, good. So I took her in the room, and I test her for like six hours non-stop. Exercise, exercise, exercise for six hours. It was actually funny. And then I knew at the end of the six hours.
When Cara Delevingne and Dane DeHaan arrived, I told their agent, "They need to know all this." I gave them the 600 pages. I said, "You have to learn everything. You're a cop. You need to know the names." I don't want him, when he meets an alien to go, "Whoa" like this. I want him to know if this guy is peaceful.
That's the storyboard that we have in the beginning of Valerian. It's an easy shot. It's just a spaceship coming in. That's the first layout. On the first layout, we see the timing of the shot and the speed. It starts to get some shadows, and we see that everything is moving in the back.
We were so ready with Valerian that we were early, which is unheard of in the history of the sci-fi film.
I have like 10 actors and 100 aliens in the film Valerian. And they come from the four corners of the universe. Some of them are liquid. Some of them are just so visually crazy.
If we wanted to make it the way I imagined I knew that we would have to wake up earlier and start very early. So we prep like crazy. And the competition you have is like Avatar, you have Star Wars, you have all the big Marvel stuff. So if you want to come in the race, you know, don't be pretentious.
I wrote the entire history of Alpha because the space station was around for 500 years. I have 30 pages on the history of Alpha. Every ten years what happens. They took control and what happened. Every 80 years, they have to change the communication system because it doesn't work anymore. Some aliens come with new technology, and suddenly you can change the electric system. We wrote the entire story for Valerian/
That's a KORTAN DAHUK. That's the first alien we see in the film Valerian. That's another artist. The first one was Chinese, the one with the space station. This one is American. Personally, that's my favorite alien. I love him. I love his profile and his face. There is such a sweetness and almost a sadness in his face.
You know, it's not my film Valerian, it's really their film. It's very strange. And maybe because it's more when you comes to the Marvel films it's way much more organized and plan, you know, they planned. Okay, we have Thor here, we have this and then we do The Avengers, and then we group. You know, it's much more organized. So maybe there is a little less freedom at the end for the creative people. Where I did the entire opposite. I let them help me, you know. So that's also why maybe they were so involved.
It's always the small people who change things. It's never the politicians or the big guys. I mean, who pulled down the Berlin wall? It was all the people in the streets. The specialists didn't have a clue the day before.