We're living in extraordinary times, all the time. The issues that assail us are perennial. They haven't changed since the Greeks picked up a pen.
Truth is seldom appreciated and never understood, whereas a flattering lie is always appreciated and instantly understood.
When I was growing up in the '80s and working in the theater, David Mamet exploded with a whole new reworking of what dialogue should sound like. It was punchy and raw and repetitive, bursting with dynamic. I remember that switching on a lot of lights for me.
Since my student days, I'd been a fan of those books with titles like 'Great Speeches that Changed the World,' as I loved the idea that the right person with the right words at the right time could really make a difference.
One of the great things about Churchill is that he had the guts to say the unpalatable, to level with the people, even if it cost him politically to tell them the truth.
Before Churchill had done anything else, he was a writer. He believed to the core that words matter. They count. They can change the world.
One of the real ways out of conflict is humour. It builds bridges; it's a weapon against rigid ideology, narrow thinking, intolerance.
Commercial success and quality are not necessarily allied.
It turns out we are all quite easily swayed if someone knows what they are doing - which is a great thing and a dangerous thing.
My routine is to create activities for myself unrelated to writing that allow little time for writing. This means that when I do get the chance to write, it is like a stolen luxury, something clandestine and almost forbidden.
The New Zealand sense of humor is tough and realistic. Jokes are not surreal; they are about life and death and tough decisions.
I still present myself as a New Zealander, answering people's questions about New Zealand and contributing in my own unlikely way to the global perception that Kiwis can and do fly high.
At some point early on, I realized that three of the greatest speeches ever delivered were by Winston Churchill, and they were written and delivered within a four-week period of each other.
I have three favorite cities: London, Wellington, and Los Angeles. What makes them so good? The friends who live there.
No murder or sin or act of barbarism or cruelty has ever been committed by a person fully absorbed in the reading of a book. By this fact alone, we can conclude that readers are nicer people, at least until they put the book down. When we are reading, we are better.
I'm still always surprised that anyone might be interested in my work or me.
There's a really fine line between artistic license and artistic licentiousness. And history is a lousy filmmaker. It doesn't give you all the ingredients you need. No story will quite fulfill that three-act structure.
I was born to a very large family, one of 7 kids. I grew up with carnivals and chaos all around me, so I can write anywhere.
I often find that writers who disavow the importance of an ending are just not very good at endings.
Reading is essential to human life. When the last reader dies, humanity will be at an end.
Life is not a waste of time.
At 17, I wanted to be a rock star.
Be more ambitious. Do your homework. There's no easy way around this.
When I grew up, my house contained only two books: the Bible and the 'Edmonds' cookbook. We were a working-class household. Books were a poor second to the television, which was always on, usually with me in front of it.