For the majority of the people it is a difficult place to live. That's a reality that we can't ignore. But there is also great beauty to it.
We try to keep the beautiful memories, but other things from the past creep up on us.
More and more people are able to access information - thank goodness we have the Internet and if you are interested you can find things. Which is different than even 20 years ago.
Write what haunts you. What keeps you up at night. What you are unable to get out of your mind. Sometimes they are the hardest things to write, but those are often the things that are worth investigating by you specifically. . .
It's interesting to see people overcome things. Because if you didn't overcome, you wouldn't be writing it.
Here, though, there is nothing. Nothing at all. The sky seems empty even when I am looking at the moon and stars.
People who want alternative information have to try so hard to find it.
I don't know what will happen to the physical book and what it will mean for authors. I worry whether it will mean people can still make their careers this way. Will whatever comes next allow people to be able to own their ideas and be able to take time to develop them?
I hope to be a good role model for my daughters.
On some level, now, we are joining the larger world and realizing that we are connected with people in these very scary ways, sometimes. What happened recently in Spain affects us here and brings questions up. It is too bad that people have to be shaken up in that way.
The girl she said, I didn’t tell you this because it was a small thing, but little girls, they leave their hearts at home when they walk outside. Hearts are so precious. They don’t want to lose them.
You have all these people in the city and everything has become centralized. If you live outside the city and you need a birth certificate or some official paper from the government, you have to travel to the city.
Even when I think of writing fiction, it's being kind of a liar, a storyteller, a weaver, and there's that sense of how much of this is your life. The story is a way you unravel your life from behind a mask.
To be able to create you have to have peace of mind on some level.
Whole interaction between the storyteller and the listeners had a very powerful influence on me.
If a woman is worth remembering,' said my grandmother, 'there is no need to have her name carved in letters.
...women, brave as stars at dawn.
They say behind mountains are more mountains.
When I meet people for the first time, I always put on my glasses because I feel like that's a little something extra between me and them. It's like the Laurence Dunbar poem "We Wear the Mask."
It's not easy to start over in a new place,' he said. 'Exile is not for everyone. Someone has to stay behind, to receive the letters and greet family members when they come back.
In fact that is the struggle that most Americans - As rich as this country is, most Americans are very limited in their interaction with the world, unless the world comes to us in a very shocking way.
When you are working on something, you have to believe that people will still be reading when you're done!