Eli Broad Quotes
Time is the most valuable thing you have - and I'm not just talking about the minutes for which you're paid.

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But Buddy was an upper. He was happy. He loved music, and he was really happy. I don't know... I don't believe in reincarnation at all, but if all that stuff is true, then he might have been on his last time around.
I was attending the University of Alberta. I was going to be a high school teacher, like my parents. I failed - no, I didn't fail a class, I just barely passed. I really didn't try. It was Canadian history, through the plays of the time. My God, those were boring plays.
I realise how important it is to use the time I have. I respect people who want to do that by watching television. I happen to want to read books. But I know I can't read all the books or watch all the movies in one lifetime.
Anne Boleyn is an intriguing character. She seems to appeal to modern-day women in a very potent way. Because she was such an independently opinionated and spirited young woman, which at the time was unheard of.
It's not often that the idea of continuing something for a potentially long period of time sounds exciting to me, because I really am a gypsy by nature.
I wasn't really the most charming person, socially – it took me a long time to develop my people skills – but the one place I was always comfortable was onstage, acting or singing.
My stand-up is quite good now, people say. It's just like a big conversation each time. Every gig is a rehearsal.
I definitely think being a young girl, there's a time where - like when you're in middle school or when you first start liking boys - you don't really feel comfortable. You remember that time when you first got your period, or when your boobs started coming in, that you were like, 'This is weird.' You have to grow into yourself.
I tell inmates all the time, 'Don't complain about your grind. Do your time.'
I time everything. I'm a scientist at heart.
I like to follow my favorite team and talk sports with my band or fans. You won't believe how many musicians are sports fans. We have so much time on tour that we need these outlets for relaxation.
When I'm writing, I spend all my time in The Grocer on Elgin buying ready-made meals; I think they are the only reason my husband and kids haven't left me.
I don't have a job, so I sit in the studio all the time and think of stupid stuff to do.
A lot of people don't understand how hard the girls on 'Total Divas' work. They're on the road, the same as the rest of us, and then when they get home, they've got to be filming this whole time.
Sometimes you go into a film and you have no time to prepare and have to compress the details into a few days and then rely on the instinct and what happens when you're in a scene with other actors and that chemistry or not.
I cannot in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past. We need all hands on deck, fighting for the future.
A guitar is a very personal extension of the person playing it. You have to be emotionally and spiritually connected to your instrument. I'm very brutal on my instruments, but not all the time.
I'm a tomboy now. I always wanted to fit in with my brother's group, so I climbed trees and played with lead soldiers. But I'm a woman's woman. I never understood women who don't have woman friends.
Follow this you bitches.
My mom did this in the '90s. She'd put a bandana in her hair, cutoff jeans and throw flannel, and I just remember looking at her thinking she was the most beautiful supermodel ever.
Omne aevum curae; cunctis sua displicet aetas.
I think that screenwriting probably isn't seen as writing in the same way that novel-writing is seen as writing. But I certainly don't see it that way.
Time is the most valuable thing you have - and I'm not just talking about the minutes for which you're paid.