A good director's not sure when he gets on the set what he's going to do.
I was very intense. I think it's a privilege to be an actor.
The Communists automatically violated the daily practices of democracy to which I was accustomed.
Every fighter has one fight that makes or breaks him.
I've lost many of my best friends... I'm going to satisfy myself now, not the critics, not even my friends.
I didn't have that much confidence. Maybe it looks that way. I'm glad it does.
I know many of the critics and I don't think of them as God-like figures. What can they do to hurt me? Sure, I might be slightly embarrassed for a day, but then you just go your own way.
I hate the Communists and have for many years and don't feel right about giving up my career to defend them. I will give up my film career if it is in the interests of defending something I believe in, but not this.
If you're going to play a cowboy, show up with the horse at the audition.
I gave my life to the Group Theatre, because in it I'm building something for myself. What I build, I am.
The camera is more than a recorder, it's a microscope. It penetrates, it goes into people and you see their most private and concealed thoughts.
I left the theater; I literally left to begin a new life.
I was taken in by what might be called the Hard Times version of the Communists' advertising or recruiting technique.
You can't just sit there and do the lines. You have to do something revealing or unusual.
I was both very successful and very left; the living demonstration of how you could be on the left and still be in the gossip columns and be envied for the money you made.
Every picture that is successful has one little miracle in it.
I joined the Communist Party late in 1934. I got out a year and a half later.
There was no doubt that there was a vast organization which was making fools of all the liberals in Hollywood and taking their money, that there was a police state among the Left element in Hollywood and Broadway.
Some directors, like Stevens [George Stevens], shoot full circle, 360 degrees, and that's what's right for them. I generally shoot at about a seven to one ratio. But part of that is because I've worked on every screenplay, so I'm further along in the visual concept.
A film director has to get a shot, no matter what he does. We're desperate people.
I've come to believe that everything worth achieving is beyond one's capacity - or seems so at first. The thing is to persist, not back off, fight your fight, pay your dues, and carry on. Effort is all; continue and you may get there despite everything.
I was not a collective person or a bohemian; I was an elitist.
The world was like a huge red carpet out ahead of me to be walked on. And it stretched on and on, no end.
I want to thank the Academy for its courage and generosity.