Of all the writers I have read, Vladimir Nabokov has made the biggest impression on me because he, despite living through the 1917 February Revolution, forced exile amidst the anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, the two World Wars and quite a lot of controversy, was an author who never gave up.
I was learning book-keeping at the age of 12, but it never stopped me from pursuing literature. Over the years, I grew to love the written word.
Mythopoeia has taken off in the Indian diaspora because there has been a change in readership from a mature audience to a younger one. This lot has a desperate yearning to reconnect. They want to consume mythology but in a well-packaged and easily digestible way.
The first thriller ever? It was probably one from 1697. It was called 'Little Red Riding Hood.'
My wife is troubled by the things I forget. I am troubled by the things she recollects.
The cleanest book on a dusty bookshelf is usually a dirty one.
Writing helps me create a different world that I can escape to.
Humankind would improve if we concentrated less on being human and more on being kind.