Jean-Jacques Rousseau Quotes
Quotes to Explore
As regards literary culture, it fascinates me that it has been so resilient to the Union. For example, when T.S. Eliot wanted to become poet in these lands, it wasn't as an English poet, it was an Anglian poet he wanted to be.
Education is the cheap defense of nations.
If you can be a good example to other people, why not try to be that person? I have a bit of a people pleaser in me, but not so much so that it's out of control.
Muslims remain the most convenient target for prejudice in a city like Delhi, which is far more ghettoized than Bombay or Bangalore, for example.
My father led by example. He wasn't much of a talker - he walked life.
When I was younger, I was fascinated by David Bowie, for example. he had created an entire myth around himself. It was as important as his music.
The navigation of our inland waters has for years been sought in vain by foreign countries, and if we grant the privilege to Russia, other States will be guided in their demands by her example.
Leading by example is the most powerful advice you can give to anybody.
Natural objects, for example, must be experienced before any theorizing about them can occur.
We are the representatives of the cosmos; we are an example of what hydrogen atoms can do, given 15 billion years of cosmic evolution.
Procedures outside the stadiums and in the parking areas still need to be optimized, for example so that emergency medical services can leave the grounds on their way to the hospital faster.
I'm an example of someone who never made it to university. I did have this dream to be a musician. I felt that this dream had an expiration date.
The professionals must set a good example.
None of us is designed for the role we must assume in a revolutionary society, although Cubans had the privilege of Jose Marti's example.
I don't subscribe to the idea that the founders or anyone else were somehow better than us and that we have to live up to their example.
Each nation feels superior to other nations. That breeds patriotism - and wars.
May the conscience and the common sense of the peoples be awakened, so that we may reach a new stage in the life of nations, where people will look back on war as an incomprehensible aberration of their forefathers!
The central activity of leadership is teaching - first by example, second by precept.
All darkness vanished, when I saw the Lamp within my heart.
I agree that two and two make four is an excellent thing; but to give everything its due, two and two make five is also a very fine thing.
Just as a prayer may be merely a mechanical intonation as of a bird, so may a fast be a mere mechanical torture of the flesh.
I learned from the Macarturos. I had never been at a table with a labor organizer and a playwright and a performance artist and an anthropologist and a human rights lawyer. Usually at most gatherings, it's all writers. But suddenly I was at a table with all these different people and I learned from each of them, learned from the work they're doing, learned new ways to solve my problems.
The French, for example, are a contemptible nation.