I don't play golf with presidents.
Unlike in Washington, Virginia's leaders don't run from serious problems. We tackle them.
There's nothing conservative about allowing ourselves to become so inured to a 'tough on crime' frame of mind that we would abandon tested alternatives that can yield better outcomes.
One of the beauties of the Tea Party movement - and the many, many like-minded citizens that don't participate in the Tea Party movement - is the fact that it is independent.
Put simply, no one in state government can create new specially protected classes except the General Assembly with the concurrence of the Governor.
We have a battle over the fundamentals of our country.
I was one of the founding members of State Legislators for Legal Immigration.
I didn't run for office to make friends.
There are just some things about being president that are difficult.
I think it was in 1971 or 1974, the Supreme Court ruled marriage is not a subject that the federal government can exercise jurisdiction over, including the courts. To do that, we would need an amendment to the Constitution.
I want very much to see some sort of compromise reached in the area of immigration... so that we could move on to other issues.
What to do about these increases in crime? Plenty of laws already exist to punish violent criminals, and research questions the level of correlation between longer sentences and lower crime rates.
An e-cigarette does not function in manner of a traditional cigarette because it functions electrically rather than via combustion of a material such as tobacco.
People in this country don't realize how tyrannical the Left is. It is phenomenally intolerant of any views other than its own, and it must label them as bad, evil, malodorous in some way.
Telling the public, 'We'll get to it later,' is inadequate. That's what the federal government does.
Am I happy with the choice? No I'm not. But I'm going to make my choice, and I expect to vote for Donald Trump.
We can agree that keeping serious criminals in prison is an effective means of preserving public safety, but we must also recognize that the axiom of 'putting people in jail and throwing away the key' does not apply to all offenders universally and can actually be counterproductive.
Elections are about choices.
In the Republican Party, we talk all the time about the importance of free markets and open competition. It seems to me that if we don't practice what we preach, we won't have much credibility with others.
One of my unique features as a politician is that I am so blunt and so forthright, and I put my cards on the table to such a degree people aren't used to, that there's nothing left to hide.