There's really nothing else I'm going to do with my life. I'd be useless if I weren't singing or acting.
I'm not really into movies on dates because you can't chat it up.
I just had to find something else to fulfill me. Always being a singer and writing, it was a blessing. My brother started making music that was the kind of music I always saw myself singing.
As a brother and sister, our tastes were pretty different growing up. He liked a lot of early hip hop. My dad didn't understand it and would try to talk him out of it.
When we saw our plane on TV as breaking news, it was the most surreal experience. A lot of the women were crying. There was a gentleman who was writing in his journal and crying. Seeing that isn't easy.
It was Britney's movie. I liked that movie. It didn't get too much love, but a lot of people really liked it.
It's really hard for actors to cross over and get any respect as a singer, and if I could just keep it separate and not use my music in movies, it's cool.
I play, in real life, Kim, who is actually Marshall Mathers ex-wife as of now. She lies and says she is pregnant because she really wants to keep him and he figures her out.
I went through the process of auditioning like every other struggling actress in this town.
My singing is my hobby. It's me and my brother. We just enjoy writing music.
The whole business is a gamble. There's no real stability, you're kind of just floating around like a feather your whole life.
A lot of people want to judge the fact that I'm an actor. That's ridiculous. No one knows what I was doing before I made my first movie. I just happened to do it as an actor all the while I've been doing music, but never with the intention to become a screaming famous pop star.
I have so many friends who hate their jobs and man, it's such a struggle trying to find what they love or what they dream of. I feel so lucky that I found what I love and my dreams have started to come true.
Normally I wouldn't spoil anything because I love surprises - I don't even shake my presents at Christmas.
As soon as you put an actor to a person who is real, that person comes to life through another person.
I'm pretty hard on myself. Every now and again I'll go on my IMDB or update my resume and I'm like, "man, I've done a lot of work."
I like to contribute. Even in my bands, I can't really just be the singer.
In my martial arts days. I was taught a lot of discipline that probably rolls over into other parts of my life. You're not supposed to attack back until you're attacked. You never take your skills and abuse them. I knew I could be lethal to someone my size.
I feel the craziest people are sometimes the most intelligent.
I ended up doing amazing things with my life; I'm well-read, educated and sophisticated - and I'm not the stereotype everyone makes me out to be.
I'm very, very, very, very spiritual. I grew up in an organized religion, I went to Sunday school as a kid. I'm very grateful that there was religion. I think it instills a good moral compass.
Everyone thinks I'm some big drug addict and loser because of the parts I play - quite the opposite. I decided to be a winner.
I've had ups and downs but always maintained I was a working actor, which is a beautiful thing.
There are likable characters in prison. Sometimes the worst criminals are also some of the most charming people.