When you're in your twenties, your brain hasn't even finished baking, and your hormones are giving you all kinds of direction of which ways to go.
Nancy Wilson Heart -
Heart has always been a rock band. It's always been hard-rock.
Ann Wilson Heart
Back when we were first making records, you didn't just make the music, you put a great deal of energy into the way it looked, and every word that was written on the whole thing.
Ann Wilson Heart -
I guess we decided to make a new record 3 years ago when Nancy was done scoring for Almost Famous.
Ann Wilson Heart -
Led Zeppelin, you can't find a better band to pay homage to.
Ann Wilson Heart -
I like the way remixes sound. Some of them are really creative.
Ann Wilson Heart -
We're not like Alice In Chains where somebody dies and the band breaks up.
Ann Wilson Heart -
You noticed from last night, we only did two from the 80s. And our set's two hours long.
Ann Wilson Heart
Fame put a lot of pressure on me in the Eighties and early Nineties - and I'm glad that I had the kind of makeup where I could come through it alive, keep myself in hand.
Ann Wilson Heart -
We're notorious for living up to our namesake. We're all about love. That's how we roll, even when it's to a fault.
Nancy Wilson Heart -
People talk about each other in the worst way, especially when you become a product for sale. You're just a thing.
Ann Wilson Heart -
I think that idea of 'because I'm sexy, I'm a feminist' is kind of immature. But as long as women think being sexy is what makes them beautiful and powerful... then it will continue.
Ann Wilson Heart -
We had always been a real band; Heart was never a construct.
Ann Wilson Heart -
There were not very many girls in rock n' roll together with men that had a heavy rock sound as well as a more acoustic sound like Heart.
Nancy Wilson Heart
I don't think we'll ever use the same sound techniques.
Ann Wilson Heart -
I don't think anyone does Rush songs except for Rush.
Nancy Wilson Heart -
Some time ago, I learned how to say, 'What's the worst thing that could happen up there?' I could mess up some words, I could sing flat... I could appear human. Is that really the worst thing in the world?
Ann Wilson Heart -
The Seattle explosion was what saved rock from becoming too pompous! A great moment in music!
Nancy Wilson Heart -
Back when I started, you could either be a folk singer, or you could be a disco diva, or you could be a secretary or maybe a disc jockey, but there was no room for anything alternative yet.
Ann Wilson Heart -
I don't harbor any anti-male feeling in my heart.
Ann Wilson Heart
I don't think we ever clash but we do become frosty.
Ann Wilson Heart -
You have to also provide a video for it, look a certain way and big hair... If you're a woman it's even more strange with fake fingernails and corsets and all this stuff that was big in the 80s.
Ann Wilson Heart -
When you become famous, people can have a powerful yet illusory idea of who you are. You want to live your life, but still, you don't want to let anyone down. I know Ed Vedder, Kurt Cobain, Jerry Cantrell, all those guys felt it. They're smart, real, and all of a sudden, they're put on a pedestal.
Ann Wilson Heart -
They're hard to come by, good producers.
Nancy Wilson Heart