Quotes of the day, June 2

  • If someone told me, 'I'm gonna give you $600 million, but I'm going to take your hair'? Take my hair!
    J. R. Smith
    J. R. Smith
  • May 11

  • A brilliant treatment of the history of Purgatory in England and its survivals and echoes throughout Shakespeare's plays, above all Hamlet.
    Carol Zaleski
    Carol Zaleski
  • May 10

  • My parents got divorced and military school gave me a structure. A lot of kids my age were children of divorced parents. They didn't know what to do with the kids.
    Stephen Sondheim
    Stephen Sondheim
  • May 9

  • A life's work should be based on love.
    Ray Bradbury
    Ray Bradbury
  • May 8

  • If all men saw the fair and wise the same men would not have debaters' double strife.
  • May 7

  • Everyday I am pushing the hamstring more in practice. I should be fine by Saturday.
    Mahesh Bhupathi
    Mahesh Bhupathi
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