Comfort Quotes
It could be argued that every age gets the comfort savagery writer it deserves.
Will Self
The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition.
Alan Alda
As long as you derive inner help and comfort from anything, keep it.
Mahatma Gandhi
The high-ceilinged rooms, the little balconies, alcoves, nooks and angles all suggest sanctuary, escape, creature comfort. The reader, the scholar, the browser, the borrower is king.
David McCord
So if hunger provokes wailing and wailing brings the breast; if the breast permits sucking and milk suggests its swallow; if swallowing issues in sleep and stomachy comfort, then need, ache, message, object, act, and satisfaction are soon associated like charms on a chain; shortly our wants begin to envision the things which well reduce them, and the organism is finally said to wish.
William H. Gass
So now I have confessed that he is thine, And I my self am mortgaged to thy will, My self I'll forfeit, so that other mine, Thou wilt restore to be my comfort still.
William Shakespeare
to feed, help, protect, comfort, console, support, nurse, or heal to be fed, helped, nursed, protected, comforted, consoled, supported, nursed, or healed to form mutually enjoyable, enduring, cooperating and reciprocating relationship with Other, with an equal to be forgiven to be loved to be free
Sarah Kane
A scholar who loves comfort is not fit to be called a scholar.
There's been improvement in a lot of areas. It's not 100 percent, and not every hotel is doing well, but we can take some comfort in that improvement.
John Bacon
People crave comfort, people crave connection, people crave community.
Marianne Williamson
Since, by your greatness, you
Are nearer heaven in place; be nearer it
In goodness: rich men should transcend the poor,
As clouds the earth; rais'd by the comfort of
The sun, to water dry and barren grounds.
Cyril Tourneur
Why should I be honored? Don't I have enough attention, comfort and power already?
William Nicholson
We have become dangerously comfortable- believers ooze with wealth and let their addictions to comfort and security numb the radical urgency of the gospel.
Francis Chan
The wives who are not deserted, but who have to feed and clothe and comfort and scold and advise, are the true objects of commiseration; wives whose existence is given over to a ceaseless vigil of cantankerous affection.
William McFee
What do believers in the Absolute mean by saving that their belief affords them comfort? They mean that since in the Absolute finite evil is ‘overruled’ already, we may, therefore, whenever we wish, treat the temporal as if it were potentially the eternal, be sure that we can trust its outcome, and, without sin, dismiss our fear and drop the worry of our finite responsibility. In short, they mean that we have a right ever and anon to take a moral holiday, to let the world wag in its own way, feeling that its issues are in better hands than ours and are none of our business.
William James
It's a great comfort to some people to groan over their imaginary ills.
William Makepeace Thackeray