Outsider Quotes
I like being an outsider. It is better in France on the outside.
Octavia Butler often described herself as an outsider, but within science fiction, she was loved as an insider, someone who was a fan first and came to S.F. writing as an enthusiastic reader.
I'm an outsider.
When I am in Egypt, I am along for the ride - I am a privileged outsider, but an outsider nonetheless.
One of the things that Ang brings to all of his projects is his deep sense of being a double exile, an outsider's outsider.
I think you only really feel like an outsider if you've been an insider.
I was a total fashion insider who became an outsider when I did bridal.
To be the outsider is actually a great thing in England.
I was an outsider as a kid, and I grew up around a lot of violence.
I was an outsider. I was the egghead from academia who got in because the rules had changed. While I looked for validation from my fellow contemporaries, I instead found jealousy and envy. I did not find team spirit. This led to dissatisfaction, an unease.
I do have an outsider's complex of getting made fun of. I was made fun of as a kid, and I don't have the stomach for it.
A thing we always talk about in today's culture is that nobody is an outsider - everybody's kind of a hipster on the inside.
In a lot of ways, in high school, I was very much an outsider and never really felt like I fit into any particular clique or group, and so I found myself solo very often.
It is not hard to feel like an outsider. I think we have all felt like that at one time or another.
I always felt an outsider.
I never felt like I was in the grime scene…I was the outsider. So when I veered away from it, I didn’t feel like I was leaving the circle – I felt like I was never in it…No one paid me any attention…I had to do everything on my own.
I have been an outsider in journalism and in the academy, because I never fully belonged to any of them.
I was an outsider... but I was also sympathetic with people that were struggling to get up, because I struggled to get up.
You can be a rank insider as well as a rank outsider.
I've always straddled a weird line - there's a lot of mainstream stuff that I love. At the same, I still feel like an outsider. I'm the outsider who's on the inside.
I think it's hard for an outsider to capture the flavor of a community and all its nuances, so ultimately Haitian-Americans need to start sharing intimate accounts of their stories.
When I felt like an outsider, movies made me feel inside my own skill set.
I really liked the idea of playing that kind of optimistic, super-intense, go-get-'em spirit combined with being a little bit of an outsider. I am really drawn to girls of that age in general, who believe they can be a waitress, scientist, actress, a dentist, a zookeeper...and who really aren't boy-crazy.
I play outsiders. That's just the way it's gone for me, and I think that's fantastic. I like it because I've always been interested in how the other guy thinks. I want to know what's going on in his head.