French Quotes
She brought forth a piece of wood into which she had burned a French saying which our friend Franz had used to cheer us, in Osterburg: La vie est belle, et elle commence demain. “Life is beautiful, and it begins tomorrow."
Edith Hahn Beer
Two heavyset, rough-looking men were arguing about politics, and he was struck anew by a thought he used to have often when he lived here: there is no such thing as a French tough guy. A French tough guy, even if he’s tough as nails, speaks French, and therefore isn’t very tough at all. These men looked like boxers, but they were speaking a feminine language and sipping daintily from tiny espresso cups. Schiller, six-foot-something and wide, always felt terribly manly in France, the land of fragile men.
Brian Morton
Stoicism is the fundamental characteristic of the French.
Gertrude Atherton
I don’t like water. I drink Diet Coke. Nor do I smoke, or drink alcohol or even sip a café. I don’t look after myself. I don’t do yoga, Pilates, those things. I hate physical effort, I don’t run anywhere, but I am super-energetic. Make-up? I just black my eyes and that’s it. My hair? I get it cut on set (fashion shoots), I never go to a hairdresser. I’m not sure I’m French. You think I’m not smart enough?
Emmanuelle Alt
When ideas float in our mind, without any reflection or regard of the understanding, it is that which the French call reverie.
John Locke
The French got enough from the Germans to save them from starvation; but many a woman sold herself for a loaf or a chunk of sausage.
Ernst Toller
I enjoyed learning French, and I enjoyed speaking French.
Ben Miller
Every woman in America has a French dream in her head, especially a Parisian one.
Catherine Malandrino
My mother is from Paris, so she was quite a fashion plate. I always had that French influence at home.
Nicole Miller
French, for example, is declining as an international language, but Spanish, Mandarin and Arabic are all languages of the future. Ethnic minority groups in the UK may well prove to be a major asset in this effort.
David Graddol
French sounds flat. In English, you can play with pitch.
Eva Green
The French are a race of individuals. There is no type.
Gertrude Atherton
The more I go to the movies, the more I like French movies.
Claude Lelouch
I'd rather be thought as an international actress rather than a French one. Because I don't know what's coming up for me, my ambition is not to be typecast. So I'm working on my English accent, as well as my American one. I don't want to be like 'Okay, I'm French, and I want to succeed in Hollywood!'
Eva Green