Missions Quotes
A woman's beauty is one of her great missions.
Richard Le Gallienne
An empowering mission statement has to become a living document, part of our very nature, so that the criteria we've put into it are also in us, in the way we live our lives day by day.
Stephen Covey
We had risen to probably one of the greatest challenges in history, put a man on the moon in the decade. We'd created incredible technologies. But what was most important, we'd created the teams, what I call the human factor. People who were energized by a mission.
Gene Kranz
Diplomacy should always be the first option, and every mission should have a clear, achievable objective that is in the interests of the United States.
Mike Thompson
For me, a writer is already being the deuce of his mission, his occupation to society.
Wole Soyinka
Obama has not accomplished a key mission: sell his own successes and keep his own (political) troops fired up and ready to go.
David Corn
Building weapons that we don't need, don't work, and aren't necessary, and have no mission that's not bad politics, that's robbery.
Paul Newman
Residuals from Australia, from the Mission Magic show, saved my butt. So there is a reason for everything.
Richard Lewis Springthorpe
Plans are great, but missions are better.
Seth Godin
That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land boundary that we have with - Canada. We have trade missions back and forth. We - we do - it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America where - where do they go? It's Alaska.
Sarah Palin
A church without a missions or a mission without the church are both contradictions. Such things do exist, but only as pseudostructures
Carl Braaten
Part of my mission is simply that: to bring the world of the arts, particularly classical music, closer to people so they don't feel that it is something remote that they have to specially prepare themselves for, or dress up for.
Michael Tilson Thomas