I'd love to do some bedtime stories for kids or that kind of thing. But with the demands of the shooting schedule and balancing the demands of being a single mother, it's a wonder you can squeeze in anything.
I am inspired by seeing kindness in others. It touches me and reminds me to be kind as well.
I think we all do have a guardian angel. I believe they work through us all the time, when we are thoughtful and good and kind to each other.
I pray. I try to find space to process with a walk on the beach, a hike in the hills. Nature is restorative. I also try not to overreact. I grew up in Ireland, and we are big tea drinkers, and I think it's less about the tea itself and more about the ritual and the moment to prepare.
I do take time to pray. I also start my day in gratitude, and as my first foot hits the floor in the morning when I climb out of bed, I say "Thank," and as the next foot hits the floor, I say "You," and I say "Thank you" all the way to the bathroom. Starts the day in the right headspace and the right heart space!
For life to be meaningful, you must have a challenge.
Jessica Simpson is the youth ambassador for Operation Smile, and an episode of The Apprentice featured a team managing a charity concert she put on. Donald Trump came on stage and pledged a donation.
I love to be by the ocean and have always done my best thinking by the sea. The ebb and flow is like a brain massage and very calming. I am also inspired by seeing kindness in others. It touches me and reminds me to be kind as well.
I think Operation Smile is in more than 22 countries, mostly Third World. It just happened that my schedule opened up at the time they were heading to Vietnam.
I'm the youngest of six children; both of my sisters are housewives and they each have four kids.
I have a home in Salt Lake, and I have a home in Malibu, at the beach.
I have been a spokesperson for Operation Smile for twenty years helping children with facial deformities. I also have worked with a children's mission called Compassion International. Both are doing amazing work for the children of the world.
If you have donated, these children may never know your name, but they will never forget your kindness.
I lost my mother when I was very young, and my father when I was in college.
Between stimulus and response, there is a space, and when you take time to pray or make a cuppa, you don't have to live in reaction to a situation.
I have morning prayers and a nighttime reflection. I also read the Bible daily.
What is free time? I'm a single mother. My free moments are filled with loving my little girl.
People are hungry for stories of faith. People are hungry for hope.
A smile costs about $240.
I grew up in Ireland, and the ocean was never more than an arm's length away. As lovely as the mountains are and as friendly as the people of Utah are, I feel a bit landlocked here.
I was reading through endless junk scripts that were being sent my way. Typically the roles were to play his wife or his girlfriend - leading roles for women were few and far between.
If I can steal away and read something other than what I have to for my work, it's restorative.
Catholics Come Home inspires each of us to share God’s love with others, in order to help change the world for the better, for eternity!
Jesus' simple poetic words are delivered casually and gently. Jesus prefers to explain a difficult concept over time, never talking down to His followers, patiently letting the words soak in until they understand them fully.