Motor Quotes
General Motors, like the other two geezers of the Old Three, is a vast retirement home with a small money-losing auto subsidiary.
People who are great thinkers, in science or in art, people who are great performers, have to have that kind of capacity. Without that kind of capacity, it's extremely difficult to manage a high level of performance because you're going to get a lot of extraneous material chipping away at the finery of your thinking or the finery of your motor execution.
Patience is idling your motor when you feel like stripping a gear.
As an individual, not as the boss of a company, I am very interested in motor racing.
History was a trash bag of random coincidences torn open in a wind. Surely, Watt with his steam engine, Faraday with his electric motor, and Edison with his incandescent light bulb did not have it as their goal to contribute to a fuel shortage some day that would place their countries at the mercy of Arab oil.
Before leaving camp in 1902 we were already at work on the general design of a new machine which we proposed to propel with a motor.
You see in Once Upon a Time in the West the whole film moves around her Claudia Cardinale. If you take her out, there's no more film. She's the central motor of the entire happening.
There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games.
I like to see cats in movement. A galloping cat is a fine sight. See it cross the road in a streak, cursed by the drivers of motor cars and buses, dodging the butcher's bicycle, coming safe to the kerb and bellying under its home gate.
We decided to place the motor to one side of the man, so that in case of a plunge head first, the motor could not fall upon him.
My senses of space, of distance, and of direction entirely vanished. When I looked for the ground I sometimes looked down, sometimes up, sometimes left, sometimes right. I thought I was very high up when I would suddenly be thown to earth in a near vertical spin. I thought I was very low to the ground and I was pulled up to 3,000 feet in two minutes by the 500-horsepower motor. It danced, it pushed, it tossed. . . . Ah! la la!
An impression which simply flows in at the pupil's eyes or ears and in no way modifies his active life, is an impression gone to waste. It is physiologically incomplete... Its motor consequences are what clinch it.
The production of obscurity in Paris compares to the production of motor cars in Detroit in the great period of American industry.
You probably think Stephen Hawking is in that wheelchair because of a motor neuron disease. But if you got as much barely-legal student poontang as The Hawkster, you'd be in a wheelchair too.
The European drivers have adapted to this circuit extremely quickly, especially Paul Radisich who's a New Zealander.
I can't imagine what kind of problem Senna has. I imagine it must be some sort of grip problem.
Jenson Button is in the top ten, in eleventh position.
Exposing something that's painful or raw or not so pleasant. That seems to be the dramatic motor of documentaries, exposure.
Almost before the big motor-car stopped, the girl sprang out.
Investment is not only volatile, it is the key motor of the economy's prosperity because it has a snowball effect.
I'm not a bad driver. And I never will be because I took lessons when I was quite a boy. I never had to pass a test because there wasn't such a thing when I first started driving a motor car. So I didn't have to pass one.
I can now state that I have succeeded in operating a motive device by means of cosmic rays. I will tell you in the most general way, the cosmic ray ionizes the air, setting free many charges - ions and electrons. These charges are captured in a condenser which is made to discharge through the circuit of the motor.
Alesi is in second place, and Hill is in second place.
Mansell is slowing it down, taking it easy. Oh, no he isn't! It's a lap record.