Materials Quotes
'Pure experience' is the name I gave to the immediate flux of life which furnishes the material to our later reflection with its conceptual categories.
I just don't like my voice in the studio, and I just don't like the studio, I'm not a studio-head. And that's why you don't get so much material from me.
Rethinking the future: It is a profound challenge, at the end of an era of cheap oil and materials to rethink and redesign how we produce and consume; to reshape how we live and work, or even to imagine the jobs that will be needed for transition.
Tens of thousands who could never afford to own, feed and stable a horse, had by this bright invention enjoyed the swiftness of motion which is perhaps the most fascinating feature of material life.
What I made depended on what I found on the street. At least in the beginning, my materials came from the street.
Film is an editor's medium. You can create very good raw material and they can make it horrible, or you can do not so well and they can make it beautiful. You don't really know.
Painting is so much more than the materials.
There was nothing but land; not a country at all, but the material out of which countries are made.
The agriculture we seek will act like an ecosystem, feature material recycling and run on the contemporary sunlight of our star.
The practical value of history is to throw the film of the past through the material projector of the present on to the screen of the future.
It's not terribly dignified to have anyone seeing one laugh at one's own material.
We have Borna virus genes. We're part Borna virus, which is weird, but apparently our cells and our genomes in a weird way might actually be grabbing these viruses, grabbing genetic material from the viruses that are infecting it and pulling them into their own genome.
To make war all you need is intelligence. But to win you need talent and material.
For a novelist, the gaps in a story are as intriguing as material that still exists.
I am not trying to do material which I cannot do full out.
As an actor, you always dream of having material that showcases what you can do.
I never want to be in a position where I have to defend my material. It's too subjective. It's for other people to defend or not defend.
And there's so much extra material. I mean, I've certainly read as you asked about do I read reviews and stuff, like people are like none of the jokes in the trailers are like in the movie. And it's like and we have whole sequences and scenes that weren't in the movie.
There can be no good art that is international. Art to be vigorous and gesund must use the material at hand.
Paper is the strongest material in the world; paper can handle what I can't.
What I try to do - and I think this is the former librarian in me - is to get primary source material.
A metallurgist is someone who can look at a platinum blonde and tell whether she's virgin material or a common ore.
Perhaps the rebuilding of the body and spirit is the greatest service derivable from our forests, for what worth are material things if we lose the character and quality of people that are the soul of America?
What if it should be God's plan to people the world with better and finer material?