Sense Of Humor Quotes
Keep your sense of humor, my friend; if you don't have a sense of humor it just isn't funny anymore.
One doesn't have a sense of humor. It has you.
You've got to have a sense of humor to keep your sanity.
Bands from Akron have a sense of humor and don't tend to take themselves too seriously.
I think that fate has a really good sense of humor, ... We had come from Toronto where people had given us a standing ovation, and the public screening had gone really well, but then afterward you hear, well, the press -- there was a less adoring reaction.
I always think it is kind of funny when it comes to wisdom, and I say God has a sense of humor, because my middle name is Solomon, and I love the Book of Proverbs which is written by Solomon, and I have read from the Book of Proverbs to start and end every day since I was 14.
I don't have a caustic sense of humor. What I find funny, that humor comes from a much gentler place.
At NBC I wasn't really sure if the grandparents were going to get my sense of humor on a particular topic.
Candidates should be extremely cautious in displaying a sense of humor. If he or she tells a joke with a point, there is almost certain to be some minority group offended.
I don't have a very quick sense of humor.
If I ever have sex with someone I might be able to develop a sense of humor.
A sense of humor keen enough to show a man his own absurdities will keep him from the commission of all sins, or nearly all, save those worth committing.
I can't live without a sense of humor. I need to be laughing and entertained at all times.
I'm not just a big-haired redhead country singer who dresses flamboyantly, has this wicked sense of humor and wears rhinestones.
Nobody ever lends money to a man with a sense of humor.
If we don't have a sense of humor, we lack a sense of perspective
From an early age onward, it was said that 'Ingmar has no sense of humor.'
I like the brooding man - a brooding man with a sense of humor.
I have a dark sense of humor.
You know, Freud accepted his lot very stoically and very well and with a sense of humor. He aged and died gracefully, and there's a lot to be said for that.
She had such a young sense of humor. Every single thing that went wrong or was funny for any reason, she laughed herself stupid about it -- it kept us all sane.
What we're doing is fun - if you have any sense of humor at all!
'Guardians of the Galaxy' is tongue-in-cheek and has a sense of humor about itself. But it's nothing like 'Deadpool.' 'Deadpool' is this super-bizarre thing. The best thing about it is that it's R-rated.
Over the years, I've learned that a sense of humor is the only skill that allows you to turn sucking at life into a career.