Mind Quotes
You can't just beat a team, you have to leave a lasting impression in their minds so they never want to see you again.
Mia Hamm -
Apparently there is a great discovery or insight which our culture is deliberately designed to suppress, distort, and ignore. That is that nature is some kind of minded entity. That nature is not simply the random flight of atoms through electromagnetic fields. Nature is not the empty, despiritualized , lumpen matter that we inherit from modern physics. But it is instead a kind of intelligence, a kind of mind.
Terence McKenna
A lot of the old movie theaters are closing down now, which is really sad. It's still in the back of my mind.
Winona Ryder -
One of the most important things that we as Christians can do is regularly fill our hearts and minds with God's Word. Bible Gateway is one great tool available that makes reading and studying Scriptures readily available to each of us at any moment.
Christine Caine -
Chance favors the connected mind.
Steven Johnson -
..what a terrible thing a dissatisfied mind is.
Elena Ferrante -
I have no doubt in mind that I justify the space I take up in the world.
Steve Earle -
It's very dependent on your state of mind. And your emotional state as well. And a lot of it comes pouring out, you don't really have that much control with it.
Eric Clapton Blind Faith
The western mind, because of it's unique history, is the most sensitive mind to the impact of psychedelics.
Terence McKenna -
I think I was well brought up, for my father and mother were of one mind regarding the care of the family.
Catherine Helen Spence -
We believe profoundly in silence-the sign of a perfect equilibrium. Silence is the absolute poise or balance of body, mind, and spirit.
Charles Alexander Eastman -
Never pass up new experiences Scarlett, They enrich the mind." - Rhett Butler
Margaret Mitchell -
Whatever you are waiting for-peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of Simple Abundance-it will surely come, but only when you are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart.
Sarah Ban Breathnach -
Abraham Lincoln had great clarity of mind and expression, and he worked to make it clearer -reading Euclid in his early 30s to train his mind.
William Lee Miller
The human mind is a powerful thing in many ways, but in others it's endlessly fragile—it takes only a single moment of pure terror to tear a hole in it, like a finger through a cobweb, leaving you forever just a shadow, a half-person.
Alexander Gordon Smith -
When you follow your thoughts and watch them attach to certain things, it makes certain things real and other things unreal, and you realize that this is all created by your mind.
Laurie Anderson -
I despise a person of little mind - one might as well not have any.
Emma Dunham Kelley-Hawkins -
By honest I don't mean that you only tell what's true. But you make clear the entire situation. You make clear all the information that is required for somebody else who is intelligent to make up their mind.
Richard Feynman -
Occupy your mind with good thoughts, or the enemy will fill them with bad ones.
Thomas More -
A mind once cultivated will not lie fallow for half an hour.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton
To my mind this is what shamanic training must really be, is mnemonic training. If you want to bring the stuff back you have to train yourself to bring it back.
Terence McKenna -
Rule your mind or it will rule you.
Horace -
Sometimes I start with a great title or idea, sometimes a great melody will run through my mind; but the higher percentage of the time, the words and music pretty much come at the same time.
Dolly Parton -
The momentum now is inevitable. Now it's about each of us individually arranging the furniture of our own mind to deal with what has become inevitable.
Terence McKenna