Reader Quotes
Point of view gets me. If I can feel like a character rather than a reader, I'll read that book.
My maternal grandmother - she was a compulsive reader. She had only been through five grades of elementary school, but she was a member of the municipal library, and she brought home two or three books a week for me. They could be dime novels or Balzac.
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.
Octavia Butler often described herself as an outsider, but within science fiction, she was loved as an insider, someone who was a fan first and came to S.F. writing as an enthusiastic reader.
It's not about what you tell the reader, it's about what you conceal.
Every poem should remind the reader that they are going to die.
I get intrigued by a first lin and I write to find out why it means something to me. You make discoveries just the way the reader does, so you're simultaneously the writer and the reader.
It wasn't until I was an adult reader that I began to fathom the influence of fairy tales on writers I was in love with over the years, from Louisa May Alcott to Bernard Malamud to John Cheever to Anne Frank to Joy Williams.
You find when you're writing a detective story that you're actually not trying to solve anything. You're trying to stop the reader from solving the puzzle.
I was just as voracious a writer as I was a reader.
Like a Chinese box, the world of the novel contained smaller worlds, and inside those were yet smaller worlds. Together, these worlds made up a single universe, and the universe waited there in the book to be discovered by the reader.
I'm a voracious reader, and I love to throw myself into it.
Maybe it's the readers that make a book global.
If I have put the case of science at all correctly, the reader will have recognised that modern science does much more than demand that it shall be left in undisturbed possession of what the theologian and metaphysician please to term its 'legitimate field'. It claims that the whole range of phenomena, mental as well as physical-the entire universe-is its field. It asserts that the scientific method is the sole gateway to the whole region of knowledge.
Authors frequently say things they are unaware of; only after they have gotten the reactions of their readers do they discover what they have said
By all means be experimental, but let the reader be part of the experiment
I'm quite a good reader of people; I like to meet people, and I can tell if they're lying or not.
I am an avid reader! As for writing, I might - someday. But we'll have to wait and see.
I've always been a fast reader. Now I had to do it slowly, discussing each sentence. And every time I wanted to change something I had to come up with an intelligent defense I could be pretty sure that they would turn my suggestion down, as they had so many aspects to keep in mind. However, if I argued well, I could have a chance. I had to think of every comma, every word.
As an author, I really hate a reader like me. There's no loyalty.
I've still not written as well as I want to. I want to write so that the reader in Des Moines, Iowa, in Kowloon, China, in Cape Town, South Africa, can say, 'You know, that's the truth. I wasn't there, and I wasn't a six-foot black girl, but that's the truth.'
If you would be a reader, read; if a writer, write.
Good readers make much out of little.
Let me tell you, 'The Reader' was not glamorous for me in terms of the body-hair maintenance.