Graphic Quotes
Good design keeps the user happy, the manufacturer in the black and the aesthete unoffended.
There will be set modifications and different graphic elements from what we do.
Comics, which are really best described as an arrangement of images in a sequence that tell a story - an idea - is a very old form of graphic communication. It began with the hieroglyphics in Egypt, it first appeared in a recognizable form in the Medieval times as copper plates produced by the Catholic church to tell morality stories.
We Rodriguez and Frank Miller wanted to take the movies and turn them into a graphic novel, so that people wouldn't even know what they were looking at. It's still visual storytelling, but it's approached completely different. The two mediums don't have to be separate mediums. They can be one and the same.
You know, it's no accident that the great painters came from areas like Europe where there is a lot of clouds and rain, which begets color and subtle washes of tone. Most great graphic artists come from areas with prevalent sun, where line and shadow are paramount.
The challenge is for the graphic designer to turn data into information and information into messages of meaning.
Of course, I did lots of what would be called graphic design now, what used to be called commercial art.
Information for you. It will be graphic. The pill didn’t agree with.
I have to read comic books all first, because now when you get into graphic novels, they are definitely in deep graphic.
People on a daily basis walk up to me, panic, and tell me something extremely graphic and violent about their life."
Berthold is still a good typeface, but even Berthold has some less than attractive features, and then I just cut them off because I didn't like them.
Woven through Timothy J. Clark’s paintings are unique combinations of visual and emotional stimuli. His sense of space, light and composition combine to create graphic tensions which intrigue beyond the beautifully-painted forms of the subjects.
I make up my opinions from facts and reasoning, and not to suit any body but myself. If people don't like my opinions, it makes little difference as I don't solicit their opinions or votes.
I've always been a visual person, I'm formerly a graphic designer. I've always seen myself as an observer. I like to maintain objectivity and don't get too intimately involved in my subjects.
I really like books that you can kind of hear as much as think about, that are so graphic and visual.
I don’t like the dinosaur in this graphic. It looks too fake. Use a real photo of a dinosaur instead.
I started on the original comics from Stan Lee and all the artists and storytellers did from there, and I got to the graphic novel that Chris Clairmont did, which is the one Stryker comes from - God Loves, Man Kills, which is a brilliant story.
I wrote a graphic novel called 'Soul Stealer' with big, beautiful, epic artwork by Chris Shy. It grew into a trilogy.
Graphic tees are vibes. And I think they're the basis of a lot of wardrobes, but that makes it challenging to distill what you're brand means within a T-shirt.
I took a number of graphic courses, lithography and etching and wood engraving at Art Institute. And particularly as I got more and more into ceramics, I thought, life drawing doesn't have anything to do with ceramics.
By the time the child can draw more that scribble, by the age of four or five years, an already well-formed body of conceptual knowledge formulated in language dominates his memory and controls his graphic work. Drawings are graphic accounts of essentially verbal processes. As an essentially verbal education gains control, the child abandons his graphic efforts and relies almost entirely on words. Language has first spoilt drawing and then swallowed it up completely.
In my head, the 5 issues of A Spoon Too Short comprise one novel: a 100 page graphic novel sequel to Douglas' two Dirk books, taking some of the ideas he was working on before he died, and a whole bunch of new stuff from me and a little from Max Landis (who is the Executive Producer on the book as well as writing the forthcoming TV series).
Nowhere does one come to know an artist better than in his prints and the woodcut is the most graphic of the print processes.
Graphic novels are such a visually creative world - it's really interesting what they can do in one sketch. Now I'm hooked.