America Quotes
The old world of England was picturesque and safe in a way that L.A. wasn't, but it was so amazingly socially cruel. I had never experienced that in America - never in school, nowhere.
When the penalty for a policeman's mistake is to put a criminal back out on the street, then we are hurting America; we are hurting our law-abiding citizens.
I now work for a finance company in Luxembourg with projects in South America and the Caribbean.
Today's tax cuts provide yet another illustration of the Republicans' fiscally irresponsible economic policies that ignore the needs of America's middle class, students, and working families.
In America, you complain about job losses because of China, but here, we carry all of the environmental costs.
America has been discovered before, but it has always been hushed up.
Medical debts are the number-one cause of bankruptcy in America.
I'm from Minnesota! I used to work Knuckleheads at the Mall of America as a stand-up. I spent New Year's there once. I'm not trying to namedrop.
My family had to flee Iran... the revolution, and we were very, very lucky to come to America and have opportunities presented to us. And that's... one of the things that makes America great.
I come more and more to the conclusion that wilderness, in America or anywhere else, is the only thing left that is worth saving.
The first English settlers of North America knew they were making history. New Englanders in particular were so sure of it that they started writing their own accounts of themselves as soon as they got here.
If I gave America any kind of hope or any kind of inspiration, I really want to say thank you for allowing me to continue doing that week after week.
America is a grateful nation. We cannot allow anything or anyone to get in the way of that. The words 'veteran' and 'backlog' should never appear in the same sentence.
I think 'The Wire' really is relatable. It reflects an ongoing issue across America, about inaccuracies in major cities between rich and the poor and some of the things that go on behind the red tape of council and government bodies.
America is the first country... that can actually have a bloodless revolution.
America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.
The first thing I would recommend to put a stop to slavery in this country, is to leave off importing slaves. For this purpose let our assemblies unite in petitioning the king and parliament to dissolve the African committee of merchants: It is by them that the trade is chiefly carried on to America.
I won't be happy until we have every boy in America between the ages of six and sixteen wearing a glove and swinging a bat.
I see so many ways America uses to rob Negroes and it is sinful and America can't keep holding on, and doing these things.
Shammiji is said to be India's answer to Elvis Presley, but I say that Elvis Presley is America's answer to Shammi Kapoor. The mark of a good actor is the belief with which he gives a shot and Shammiji gave his each shot with a strong belief and that makes him a great actor of all times.
People think I am America's party girl, which is just stupid. I have done 24 movies and I am creating my own TV show.
When I was leaving Yemen to come to America, things were tough. My dad had just been laid off, and it was a challenge. When I lived in Yemen, I thought America was a perfect place. Everything was bigger and better. I dreamed big. The American dream, you know? You have to work hard for your dream to come true.
A core part of Teach For America's mission has always been affecting positive change in the traditional public school system.
America can enjoy a vital, fully functioning government, with all the benefits provided by Texas, while reducing Texas at the same time.