Schemes Quotes
You can plan all you want to. You can lie in your morning bed and fill whole notebooks with schemes and intentions. But within a single afternoon, within hours or minutes, everything you plan and everything you have fought to make yourself can be undone as a slug is undone when salt is poured on him. And right up to the moment when you find yourself dissolving into foam you can still believe you are doing fine.
Remember your dream is your only scheme, so keep on pushing.
You can detect Satan's schemes and overcome his world system.
When schemes are laid in advance, it is surprising how often the circumstances will fit in with them.
The best scheme of Phonetics is a stiff uncertain thing.
Millennium developed multiple schemes that cost mutual fund investors tens of millions of dollars.
Maybe in the general scheme of things he couldn't find any meaning in life, but on a smaller scale it was okay. Not always, but a lot of the time.
There are two things to be considered with regard to any scheme. In the first place, Is it good in itself? In the second, Can it be easily put into practice?
Vegetable box schemes, local greengrocers, farmers' markets and organic stores are a great place to source package-free foods.
All this technology for connection and what we really only know more about is how anonymous we are in the grand scheme of things.
The Palio is shrouded in mystery and secrecy, and the players can't discuss their devious schemes.
In high school, every last one of the passing schemes was designed for me.
These are special schemes for transferring capital abroad through banks.
A veritable incubator of short cuts, schemes and devices to overcome the truth.
I began to write what I called 'rhythms' ie unrhymed pieces with no formal metrical scheme where the rhythm was created by a kind if inner chant... Later I was told I was writing 'free verse' or Vers libre.
My only scheme was to be a rapper.
Underlying the whole scheme of civilization is the confidence men have in each other, confidence in their integrity, confidence in their honesty, confidence in their future.
We do not have an ecological crisis. The ecosphere has a human crisis. Our 'story' about our place in the scheme of things has somehow gone awry in the industrial age.
Sports don't matter in the grand scheme of things. But in the moment, when things are just right, they're the most important thing in the world. That's what makes them so great.
It was always intended, though, that where Australian workers could negotiate better benefits as well with their employer, that those benefits come in in addition to the existing paid parental leave scheme.
Change the scheme! Alter the mood! Electrify the boys and girls, if you'd be so kind.
You have different schemes for different teams. Some teams blitz a lot, and some teams drop eight in coverage.
My business was born out of my frustration with other cashback schemes. I wanted a more curated service than the other sites offer.
The world could be as small as it was cruel. She wondered at God sometimes, his schemes, his plans, his plots, his sense of order. Maybe he was just like the Bible—beautiful and overwritten and redundant and badly in need of editing.