Affected Quotes
To tell you the truth I am hard put to think of anyone who's career was affected significantly by making all those phone calls and I must be wrong. I must be wrong! Because it has just got to pay off!
A race is a work of art that people can look at and be affected in as many ways they're capable of understanding.
Why is it that all those who have become eminent in philosophy, politics, poetry, or the arts are clearly of an atrabilious temperament and some of them to such an extent as to be affected by diseases caused by black bile?
Well, I'm getting better. It'll never be as it was. It affected the right side of my face. It's no big deal. You look at this guy here, and to think I've got problems.
People are really emotionally affected by actors. And it's hard to know how to behave in a way that doesn't impose or withdraw. Because everybody wants your attention.
Lots of other factors affected them last year but they are an extremely proud union. We fully expect a pretty fired-up team facing us on their home ground.
Clearly, our underlying growth this year has been very much affected by increasingly difficult economic times and a tough competitive environment. Neither of those conditions is likely to change in the near-term
If it's one thing we learned from the first book, it's that you don't have to be a prizefighter, or a world-renowned architect, or a concert violinist to have been affected by the power of words.
When you're writing you're affected by everything that's going on around you.
A man is called affected, nowadays, if he dresses as he likes to dress. But in doing that he is acting in a perfectly natural manner. Affectation, in such matters, consists in dressing according to the views of one's neighbour, whose views, as they are the views of the majority, will probably be extremely stupid.
Your success will be affected by the quality and quantity of new ideas you suggest.
I saw that all things I feared, and which feared me, had nothing good or bad in them save insofar as the mind was affected by them.
I can only speak about my own commute and can say that it has certainly affected my commute, making it longer and more hectic.
Like many Catholics, I was very affected by the personality of Jesus and that impression, pious as it was, has stayed with me.
Every aspect of personal life is radically affected by the quality of general life, and yet the general life is seen at its most important in completely personal terms.
Humans have always unknowingly affected all Universe by every act and thought they articulate or even consider.
It's our children and our children's children who will be affected by this technology, and it is up to us to stop it. I hope you will join us.
And the more he treated her as though she were really very nice, the more Lotty expanded and became really very nice, and the more he, affected in his turn, became really very nice himself; so that they went round and round, not in a vicious but in a highly virtuous circle.
The entire ocean is affected by a single pebble.
I am affected, not because you have deceived me, but because I can no longer believe in you.
A boy of to-day is affected by every change of tone and gust of opinion, so that he lies even when he desires to speak the truth.
I get really affected by songs as a music listener - they mean so much and they feel so significant.
What affected me the most about the Beatles was that they were the biggest band in the world and they could have done anything they wanted.
The interesting thing is that it seems like George W. Bush would have been happy being the president of anything. He could have been president of Major League Baseball. Less people killed. It wouldn't have affected the world on a planetary level. Sure, there would have been little things. There would have been scandals and kind of numbskull things here and there.