Sin Quotes
I do not know of any, excepting the unpardonable sin, that is greater than the sin of ingratitude.
Brigham Young
The gospel frees us to confess our sins without fear of condemnation.
Michael Horton
Between lovers, betrayal is always the worst sin.
Anthony Ryan
Do not think about sin, he thought. There are enough problems now without sin. Also I have no understanding of it.
Ernest Hemingway
When you see a condemned man on his way to the gallows, it moves you to pity. If you could do something to free him, you would do it. Well, brothers and sisters, when I see a person in mortal sin, I see someone drawing nearer with every step to the gallows of hell. And seeing him in this unhappy state, I happen to know the way to free him: that he be converted to God, ask God's pardon, and make a good confession. Woe betide me if he does not.
Anthony Mary Claret
In Catholicism, you learn to worship a superior god that creates, who organizes and creates. And when you do novels, you have this illusion that you are following the model of the creator, that you are playing the creator who has to organize that. It is a vice and a sin, and I like to sin. I'm a vicious person.
Carmen Boullosa
If we desire to judge justly, we must persuade ourselves that none of us is without sin.
Seneca the Younger
To despair over one's sins indicates that sin has become or wants to be internally consistent. It wants nothing to do with the good, does not want to be so weak as to listen occasionally to other talk. No, it insists on listening only to itself, on having dealings only with itself; it closes itself up within itself, indeed, locks itself inside one more inclosure, and protects itself against every attack or pursuit by the good by despairing over sin.
Soren Kierkegaard
Thoroughly convinced of the impossibility of his own suit, a high resolve constrained him not to injure that of another. This is a lover's most stoical virtue, as the lack of it is a lover's most venial sin.
Thomas Hardy
Our sin reached its full horror and found its most awful expression in the cross.
Colin S. Smith
Not only do they offend thee, O Lady, who outrage thee, but thou art also offended by those who neglect to ask thy favors ... He who neglects the service of the Blessed Virgin will die in his sins ... He who does not invoke thee, O Lady, will never get to Heaven ... Not only will those from whom Mary turns her countenance not be saved, but there will be no hope of their salvation ... No one can be saved without the protection of Mary.
There are two unpardonable sins in this world -- success and failure.
George Horace Lorimer