Aim Quotes
Philosophy should be an energy; it should find its aim and its effect in the amelioration of mankind.
Victor Hugo
It is the artist's job to revere beauty without being enchanted by it, to aim for it but also to aim for truth and goodness - just in case they, and not beauty, are the real things of value.
Eric Maisel
Beauty and truth may be attributes of good writing, but if the writer deliberately aims at truth, he is likely to find that what he has hit is the didactic.
Northrop Frye
Lose everything, even the attachment to holiness, so that you aim only at one thing: to love
Chiara Lubich
If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever.
Thomas Aquinas
In literature, questions of fact or truth are subordinated to the primary literary aims of producing a structure of words for its own sake, and the sign-values of symbols are subordinated to their importance as a structure of interconnected motifs.
Northrop Frye
Some aim to be deft, others to be laboriously careful. Neither dexterity nor conscientiousness is enough.
Chai Lu
You should never get set over the ball and then aim your putter face. If you do it in that order, you can easily lose sight of your intended line. Instead, aim the face down your line first, then settle your body into position.
Ernie Els
What are works of art for? to educate, to be standards. To produce is of little use unless what we produce is known, is widely known, the wider known the better, for it is by being known that it works, it influences, it does its duty, it does good. We must try, then, to be known, aim at it, take means to it. And this without puffing in the process or pride in the success.
Gerard Manley Hopkins
He who wins people, prospers; he who loses them, fails. Your present plan should be to seek humans of high aims and farseeing views, and you can establish yourself firmly.
Zhou Yu
Aim high. You may still miss the target, but at least you won't shoot your foot off.
Lois McMaster
Our aim is not just an educated nation but an intelligent one
Tony Blair
So much easier to aim for the smallest possible audience, not the largest, to build long-term value among a trusted, delighted tribe, to create work that matters and stands the test of time.
Seth Godin
It is clear that whatever language of democracy Obama and his administration use is very tactically deployed, and has as its main aim the extension of US power and interests.
Judith Butler
Students and scholars of all kinds and of every age aim, as a rule, only at information, not insight. They make it a point of honour to have information about everything, every stone, plant, battle, or experiment and about all books, collectively and individually. It never occurs to them that information is merely a means to insight, but in itself is of little or no value.
Arthur Schopenhauer
You must always aim for further growth.
Andreas Nikolaus "Niki" Lauda