Reporter Quotes
Literary truth is not the truth of the biographer or the reporter, it’s not a police report or a sentence handed down by a court. It’s not even the plausibility of a well-constructed narrative. Literary truth is entirely a matter of wording and is directly proportional to the energy that one is able to impress on the sentence. And when it works, there is no stereotype or cliché of popular literature that resists it. It reanimates, revives, subjects everything to its needs.
You can be a great reporter and not be such a great talk show host.
While I am not saying Facebook cannot be a wonderland for marketers, I am still waiting to see the proof of it, and so should every reporter.
I am a student of stupidity. I am a political reporter.
Well I just always wanted to be a newspaper reporter.
I am grateful that as a reporter and as an anchor, people have allowed me to share their stories.
Everybody has a smartphone; everyone is a reporter.
I'm a reporter – if I don't interview someone, I don't have much to say, and I definitely can't just sit down and knock out 800 words on any subject you give me.
I had a reporter ask me how much I weigh. I said to him, 'You go first: How much do you weigh?' People always ask me what I eat. Other artists don't get asked these questions.
It is one of the paradoxes of journalism: The more servile a reporter is toward his sources, the more authoritative he can appear in print.
It's really exciting, isn't it? We came home and he said, 'Do you want a big wedding or a small wedding?' Here I am a hard-boiled reporter and I have got butterflies.
[To reporter who telephoned with news of her Oscar:] If you are joking me, I will get up immediately and kill you wherever you are.
If there's anything that's important to a reporter, it is integrity. It is credibility.
I am the guinea pig of my films in a way. I test the stories a bit before I make them. I've never hung myself like the character in my latest film, but I've tried to be a reporter of life.
First reporter to broadcast live from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.
I was asked by an NPR reporter once, why don't I talk about race that often. I said it's because I'm a neurosurgeon. And she thought that was a strange response. And you say - I said, you see, when I take someone to the operating room, I'm actually operating on the thing that makes them who they are. The skin doesn't make them who they are.
...was for the most part accurate. The reporter was not lying. She was not embellishing.
The main jobs would be The New Yorker, The Village Voice, The Washington Post and - I'm thinking of The Reporter when Max Askeli was there, but I got fired from The Reporter.
I decided very early that I was going to be a reporter, that I would not cheer for the team. I don't denigrate people who do it. It's fine.
Trying to be a first-rate reporter on the average American newspaper is like trying to play Bach's St Matthew Passion on a ukulele: The instrument is too crude for the work, for the audience and for the performer.
If you would be a poet, write living newspapers. Be a reporter from outer space, filing dispatches to some supreme managing editor who believes in full disclosure and has a low tolerance for bullshit.
For years, more women were steered toward the studio or toward being a reporter. If that's what you want to do and that's what you love - by all means, go do it. That's OK to be ambitious and do things that are out of the norm if that's the route you want to take. We're already seeing women breaking down those barriers in what was once male-dominated. There are opportunities for women to fill those roles.
I would like to be remembered as the reporter who snuck back stage to all the off-limits shows, be it the Vatican dressing room, the Pentagon war room, or the Celtics locker room. Some curtains ought never to be pulled back; others deserve to be ripped down. When appropriate, I want to be the curtain remover.
I wasn't the greatest reporter in the world, but I wasn't starting at zero.