Place Quotes
The world is a dangerous place to live.
Moralists have no place in an art gallery.
The safest place to be is in the center of God's will.
Citizenship is the chance to make a difference to the place where you belong.
I hate this place. I shall hate it to my grave.
If you intend to go to work there is no better place than right where you are; if you do not intend to go to work, you can not get along anywhere.
We wanted to come to London because it's the hardest place to make it.
We discovered a mechanism which is like the garbage machine of the body. We need to remove damaged proteins and create new ones in their place, and we discovered the machine that does this.
I believe that shows should be shot where they take place.
A little love and affection in everything you do will make the world a better place with or without you.
I loved getting to Chagrin Falls, being by the falls; what a cute place it is.
For Africa to me... is more than a glamorous fact. It is a historical truth. No man can know where he is going unless he knows exactly where he has been and exactly how he arrived at his present place.
There are no 'ifs' in God's Kingdom. His timing is perfect. His will is our hiding place. Lord Jesus, keep me in Your will! Don't let me go mad by poking about outside it.
If you're conservative in Hollywood, you're on a list of people who need to be put in their place.
We didn't want our kids raised in a place plagued by smog and plastic surgery.
I love vintage cowboy boots, and some days I'm into platform stilettos encrusted in jewels. It's really all over the place.
I haven't got a waist. I've just got a sort of place, a bit like an unmarked level crossing.
Santa Fe is a great place which people don't get there often, but it's like a unique place.
The great events of the world take place in the brain...
Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.
Heaven is a place where God will personally wipe away our tears.
Anyone can love a perfect place. Loving Baltimore takes some resilience.
Nietzsche claimed that his genius was in his nostrils and I think that is a very excellent place for it to be.
It's fascinating to be in a place where no one has ever heard of me.