Inferiors Quotes
We are in a double bind. We are expected to feel inferior not only as women, but because we are old.
Apparently the average man sees woman alternatelyas an inferior being and as an angel.
The true objection to slavery is not that it is unjust to the inferior but that it corrupts the superior.
Elegance of language may not be in the power of all of us; but simplicity and straight forwardness are. Write much as you would speak; speak as you think. If with your inferior, speak no coarser than usual; if with your superiors, no finer.
There should be no inferiors and no superiors for true world friendship.
Everything except God has some natural superior; everything except unformed matter has some natural inferior.
Vietnamese must be made to feel that they are racial inferiors with no right to national identity.
To be a slaveholder meant one had to regard the African American as inferior in every way.
With a higher moral nature will come a restriction on the multiplication of the inferior.
The most insupportable of tyrannies is that of inferiors.
The thing is, I really can't relate to anyone my own age. Not in a superior way - an inferior way, if anything. Socially, I have no idea what my friends are talking about. I don't listen to any new music. I feel very secluded.
To strive with an equal is dangerous; with a superior, mad; with an inferior, degrading.
The struggle for the vote was an effort to bring men to feel less superior and women to feel less inferior.
So live with an inferior as you would wish a superior to live with you.