Live Quotes
You can live your life angry, bitter, mad at somebody or even guilty, not letting go of your own mistakes, but you won't receive the good things God has in store.
How would you like to live with somebody who was everlastingly grieving your heart by his conduct?
I don't want to live beyond the age of 75. That would be a good point to bow out. I don't want to go on for ever.
Is it so wrong to just live life and enjoy it? Between fun and function, why must we choose the latter?
Seek the truth. Tell the truth. Live in truth.
If we pray for anything according to the will of God, we already have what we pray for the moment we ask it. We do not know exactly when it will arrive; but we have learned to know God through the Spirit of God, and have learned to leave this in His hands, and to live just as happily whether the answer arrives immediately or later.
Being an artist for my well being and as a living, I live in a place of observance and interest in what I consider to be the most relevant questions.
I wanted to write about the third world and had the opportunity to go live in the trenches, so to speak.
I tried to be like the richer kids as much as I could because I wanted to live on their streets, at least hang out on their streets and eat their amazing food and walk barefoot on their shag carpets. I became something of a pest in that way, and in general, other people's parents didn't like me.
Of those beings who live in ignorance, shut up and confined, as it were, in an egg, I have first broken the eggshell of ignorance and alone in the universe obtained the most exalted, universal Buddhahood.
We live in an era of reinvention: Madonna and everybody desperately trying to change their persona.
As social beings we live with our eyes upon our reflection, but have no assurance of the tranquillity of the waters in which we see it.
It seems that every generation needs its public, tweedy, literary personality to sell its consumer electronics. To whatever degree I can live up to the Plimptonian legacy, I am humble and proud.
From the first moment of life, men ought to begin learning to deserve to live; and, as at the instant of birth we partake of the rights of citizenship, that instant ought to be the beginning of the exercise of our duty.
Live your life like one big Thank You!!!
People will never set their faces decidedly towards heaven, and live like pilgrims, until they really feel that they are in danger of hell.
I think that at this moment, I am trying to live the moments we're passing through. In the future, I will see where the future will take me.
I believe we leaders need to live according to a biblical process, not according to a ministry model.
I live in Vegas, and I see people by the side of the road with cardboard signs who seem like they might have tried that spending their way out of debt thing.
We went for the best overall feel on each song. There are no musical overdubs at all. It's a true live record; it's one of the few true live records out there.
I have never played anything live - except for a few special occasions - from 'Fish Out of Water.'
For me, fashion succeeds when it says something about the times we live in.
I live on the edge of Bath. It's really lovely, but its very loveliness freaks me out a bit. It's peaceful, a great antidote to the craziness of being on tour, but sometimes I feel as though I've retired.
Live, it's just the free flow and the energy and the excitement. It's a one-off and you have that adrenaline for an hour and a half.