Footballer Quotes
When I was a teenager, my idol was the Dutch footballer Johan Cruyff. He's the only person I've ever asked for an autograph.
Real Madrid is the most important thing that happened to me, both as a footballer and as a person.
The lifestyle I lead as a footballer means I am always in the spotlight.
To be a footballer means being a privileged interpreter of the feelings and dreams of thousands of people.
If I'd had the choice when I was 14, and someone had said to me, 'You can either be a footballer or an actor,' I'd have said: 'Well, can't I be a footballing actor?'
It’s like when footballers run underwater in water tanks…There’s a high pressure against your body. If you can run fast in a water tank, when they take you out of the water, you can run way faster because there’s less pressure. I used to go on to radio sets and be spraying so fast, people would be like, ‘How are you doing that?’
Messi is undoubtedly a gifted footballer, like Maradona and Pele, and he's playing for the best club side in the world at the moment. He's successful and he's winning trophies, so it's only logical that he'll be voted the best player in the world.
I'm enjoying playing football, and as a footballer, that's what you want to do, and that is exactly what I've been doing.
How would you know a Cork footballer? He's the one who thinks that oral sex is just talking about it.
Nowadays, Messi is better than Ronaldinho. He is the best footballer in the world right now. And I'm not the only who says so. Everyone who has seen him play says so too.
Once upon a time in America, people aspired to party like a rock star. Now, rock stars aspire to party like a football owner.
You look at him and he's just a born footballer.
If you want to be a professional footballer, you have to respect your profession. You have to respect the people that are making you the star you are. You have to protect the passion every day.
My brother was an avid Stoke City fan and a good footballer. We shared a room, growing up, and the walls were covered with 1970s Stoke players, like Peter Shilton, Gordon Banks, and Jimmy Greenhoff.
As a footballer's wife, I take great exception to the way we are portrayed in Footballers' Wives.
Being a footballer is not just about wearing the shirt and playing football on the pitch. You have to be clean, you have to do right things, you have to show courage, you have to show many many things you know. I always say that you play the same way on the pitch as you do in life.
Footballers nowadays are controlling their image through their own Facebook page so its not the club that controls them anymore, they do what they want at anytime.
Footballers are going on strike? When can they start?
I don't want to be modelling G-strings. It's not that good for my image – I'm a footballer not a tart
Footballers are slaves. I know this from the personal experience of being a footballer.
The street is the best way to become a good footballer.
He’s a fantastic talent and the complete footballer, probably the most coveted in the Premiership. It’s a privilege for the rest of us to be on the same field. If i could have anything i wanted for Christmas, i’d take Thierry Henry
My dream was to become a footballer, hope to become the best someday. And I worked for it. And I'll tell you that the work is the magic of success.
There was never any question about Scholesy's quality as a footballer. He was known as the little ginger magician in the youth team. Some reckon he's the best United player of the modern era, and there's a case for saying that. You don't hear him blowing his own trumpet, though - he just gets on with his job. He's the real deal.