Jam Quotes
Any conversations we hear about 'So who are Pearl Jam marketing to?' are despicable.
I began both auditioning with Pearl Jam and recording for Eleven. In the fall of 1994, I joined Pearl Jam.
Rush Limbaugh is beginning to look more and more like Mr. Big, and at some point somebody's going to jam a CO2 pellet into his head and he's going to explode like a giant blimp. That day may come.
I make jam, and oh my God, it is so delicious.
A traffic jam is a collision between free enterprise and socialism. Free enterprise produces automobiles faster than socialism can build roads and road capacity.
We are caught in a traffic jam of discursive thought.
Any kind of peanut butter/chocolate concoction is my jam.
I used to be obsessed with Pearl Jam, but I love having pink hair and kind of looking like a Barbie.
Me + Love Songs on KOST=embarrassing car jam sesh.
I think the idea of getting out of a traffic jam and getting out of work each week and going and doing all this stuff would be really exhausting.
There are never any traffic jams on the extra mile.
'She Wolf,' by Shakira, makes you want to let go of your inhibitions and jam.
I would love to go and live in the mountains... and make jam.
Often, we melt into our ecstasies as though they were jams, as though we were sinking into syrupy bowls of gooseberries, of raspberries, of bilberries.
For those dependent on their gardens for fresh food, it was often a case of feast or famine... (One settler wrote), "Strawberries were now so plentiful that... I made 287 lbs of jam..."
Space Jam is my favorite movie. Don't ask me why, it just is.
It's a song, but it's a jam because it's without vocals, that's why I say that.
The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday - but never jam today.
The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday-but never jam today It must come sometime to jam today, Alice objected No it can't said the Queen It's jame every other day. Today isn't any other day, you know.
Fear and bigotry don’t need explaining. They simply are, like traffic jams and taxes.
Cancer - a more or less permanent traffic jam in the body.
Imagine the traffic jam you've got. We're talking about several miles of debris going down the interstates.
When the generation after me started getting on the cut, a lot of them would call me over to hang out or go jam and scratch and they were always separate from each other.