Accent Quotes
To be honest, it's easier for me to speak with an American accent.
I enjoy playing villains - I'm very proud that I belong to a very honorable tradition of British actors who come to Hollywood to play the bad guys. At some point in American film, I think there was the idea that the British accent had a tone to it that's a little bit naughty.
Can I eventually take classes and eliminate my accent? Sure. I guess anybody could. But this is who I am, and this is what I got. And there are millions of people who sound just like me. Millions. It's not like this is some novelty.
My accent is... sort of an Edinburgh sort of soft southwest Scottish accent. It could almost be English.
I still keep my accent.
I'm trying hard to keep my Australian accent. My mom would disown me if I didn't.
My hair and my accent are sort of my main assets.
The flaw in the pluralist heaven is that the heavenly chorus sings with a strong upper-class accent.
When's the last time you walked by a pub in Dublin and heard Irish music? When's the last time you ordered a coffee and heard an Irish accent?
My mum made a conscious decision not to teach me any Indian languages so I wouldn't talk with an accent.
He rose to his feet and padded down the last few steps silently, came up behind Kim, and leaned over her to say, “I vant to drink your blood” in a heavy, fake Dracula accent. She shrieked, flailed, and a zombie ate her brains on-screen."!
Nobody's going to tell me to rap in an American accent.
I'm more of a mimic. My accent tends to drift to where ever I am.
Don't let the American accent fool you. I am British.
I do have a Mexican accent, but that doesn't mean that I'm a Latin vamp.
I would pay good money for a British accent.
I was raised to be kind. My parents were underdogs. Immigrant Jews. I spoke with an accent. I didn't speak English even - I spoke French and Yiddish mostly. I was picked on.
Germans don't speak in a German accent, they just speak German.
I’m avampire. I havesecret powers ,” he said with a full-on fake Transylvanian accent, which he dropped to say, “Actually, your mom let me in.
When a person has an accent, it means he can speak one more language than you.
I was a complete mod and had to wear mod clothes and have a Beatle haircut, and I tried to talk in a Liverpool accent.
The Australian accent just a very lovely accent and it doesn't have the pretention maybe of an English accent, but yet seems a little bit more exotic than an American.
I have a difficult time doing an Irish accent; even now, it kind of fades slowly into Scottish.
Nearly every taping or audition has to be in an American accent, so you don't have a choice; you just have to get good at it. I'm sure you can appreciate accents - it's like learning any skill, you have to work at it and work at it and it takes an awful lot of time, until it's muscle memory and you don't have to think about it anymore.