Servant Quotes
How do you know if you are a servant? By how you react when someone treats you as one.
The state is made for man, not man for the state.... That is to say, the state should be our servant and not we its slaves.
The real servant of the people must live among them, think with them, feel for them, and die for them.
I am not an oligarch. I am a servant and I try to align my interests and those of my investors.
Reason is intuition's servant.
I remain your servant and I will do as you ask of me.
Marty Russo was too good a golfer to be a servant of the people.
I am trying to do comedy on every single medium. I consider myself a public servant.
Recollection is not something that I can summon up, it simply comes and I am the servant of it.
The intellect is good but until it has become the servant of the heart, it is of little avail.
Grant us a brief delay; impulse in everything is but a worthless servant.
Self-justification is a treacherous servant.
We normally know Jesus as a humble, loving servant, which He is. But Revelations gives us the bigger picture of who Jesus is, in His glory.
My name is Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, the former H. Rap Brown. I am a devoted servant of Allah, and an unwavering devotee to His cause. For more than 30 years, I have been tormented and persecuted by my enemies for reasons of race and belief.
The [Nazi party] should not become a constable of public opinion, but must dominate it. It must not become a servant of the masses, but their master!
It is essential for men of science to take an interest in the administration of their own affairs or else the professional civil servant will step in - and then the Lord help you.
In the 18th century, if women wanted to travel and they dressed as a man, people would not look twice. Your clothes said everything. Also there were masters and servants swapping clothes. You could be anything, your clothes told everything!
The First Lady is an unpaid public servant elected by one person – her husband.
Amelie said, “I won’t be your servant in Morganville. Nor should you be mine. Equals.” She offered her hand to him, and he looked down at it, clearly taken aback. But he took it. “Now defend what is ours, my partner.” He grinned … grinned! … and whirled to meet Myrnin in midleap as Myrnin attacked.
There is no one so radical as a man-servant whose freedom of the champagne bin has been interfered with.
I am a servant, taking orders and receiving orders. What God tells me, I say, and what He shows me, I see. His will must always supersede.
True greatness is devoting all my energy to becoming a servant and not getting upset when I am treated like one.
The extraordinary woman depends on the ordinary woman. It is only when we know what were the conditions of the average woman's life - the number of children, whether she had money of her own, if she had a room to herself, whether she had help bringing up her family, if she had servants, whether part of the housework was her task - it is only when we can measure the way of life and experience made possible to the ordinary woman that we can account for the success or failure of the extraordinary woman as a writer.
Man, being the servant and interpreter of Nature, can do and understand so much and so much only as he has observed in fact or thought of the course of nature; beyond this he neither knows anything nor can do anything.