Masculinity Quotes
To me the definition of true masculinity – and femininity, too – is being able to lay in your own skin comfortably.
I got into sports because that was a way to prove your masculinity. I was good at it.
Masculinity is not something given to you, but something you gain. And you gain it by winning small battles with honor.
Embrace your femininity and embrace your masculinity my trap queens let the two coexist without trying to repress one or the other, embody balance. It’s ok to accept who u are!!
The men who espoused unpopular causes may have been considered misguided, but they were rarely attacked for their morals or their masculinity. Women who did the same thing were apt to be denounced as harlots or condemned for being unfeminine - an all-purpose word that was used to describe almost any category of female behavior of which men disapproved.
Femininity and masculinity are social constructs. Female and male are biological. We don't have to learn to be men or women but we do have to learn to be ladies and gentlemen.
The more people, as you know, are able to be on whatever spectrum of femininity and masculinity they are on at that moment, that opens the door for women to not have to be the opposite of what the supposed traditional male is.
I can only approach it as a woman. Masculinity has been depicted in very black-and-white terms. There never seems to be a wide range of emotional definitions of men.
Hedi Slimane told me I was boyish in his eyes. For him femininity and masculinity are the same thing, the difference is not so interesting, he said.
So many men in the world (are) living in this sort of quiet desperation, confined in this box of toxic masculinity.
Femininity doesn't always relate to being a woman and masculinity doesn't always relate to being a man; it's a quality of being-ness. Women have to portray the quality of masculinity; society wants it to be like a man; not necessarily male, but like a man. If that makes sense...In nature itself, there's yin and yang, there's masculine and feminine.
Men think women, they don't think men. They don't think toxic masculinity.
I think men have some stuff to work out so I think the world might be a better place if we tried to start having a dialogue about masculinity and male coming of age.
Well, the tyranny of masculinity and the tyranny of patriarchy I think has been much more deadly to men than it has to women. It hasn’t killed our hearts. It’s killed men’s hearts. It’s silenced them, it’s cut them off.
I'm very empathic to the construction of masculinity within our culture and how we build these identities up.
In order to live as we were designed to live, we must be in pursuit not simply of manhood but of godly masculinity. That begins by being men who are rightly related to God, who understand what it means to fear him, and who respond to that fear by being alert, standing firm in the faith, and being men of courage.
I think there's a lot of scope in broadening the way videogames approach depictions of masculinity, which is still extremely narrow in scope. It would be nice to see a panel about gender in videogames and it not just be about one gender!
Of course, if we’ve learned anything, it’s how dangerous that fragile masculinity can be.
I think when we start to understand what masculinity and femininity is, then men won't fear so much the feminine side coming out. And the masculine side for women coming out won't be such a burden, in a way. Just be ourselves.
I'd like men to think about evolving into something more sophisticated, more seductive. To explore the possibility of an entirely new masculinity.