Unworthy Quotes
I would like to have an ample fund to spread the light of Republicanism, but I am willing to undergo the disadvantage to make certain that in the future we shall reduce the power of money in politics for unworthy purposes.
If one keeps loving faithfully what is really worth loving, and does not waste one's love on insignificant and unworthy and meaningless things, one will get more light by and by and grow stronger.
The great works are produced in such an ecstasy of love that they must always be unworthy of it, however great their worth otherwise.
It does not appear to me that my hand is unworthy your acceptance, or that the establishment I can offer would be any other than highly desirable.
Learning is its own exceeding great reward; and at the period of which we speak, it bore other fruits, not unworthy of it.
If I did what has already been done, I would be a plagiarist and would consider myself unworthy; so I do something different and people call me a scoundrel. I'd rather be a scoundrel than a plagiarist!
Liberals feel unworthy of their possessions. Conservatives feel they deserve everything they've stolen.
O Fame! if I ever took delight in thy praises, Twas less for the sake of thy high-sounding phrases, Than to see the bright eyes of the dear one discover The thought that I was not unworthy to love her.
I do not know any way to explain why God's grace touches a man who seems unworthy of it.
I desire the love of God not because I am worthy, but because I am unworthy.
If, on a full and final review, my life and practice shall be found unworthy of my principles, let due infamy be heaped on my memory; but let none be led thereby to distrust the principles to which I proved recreant, nor yet the ability of some to adorn them by a suitable life and conversation. To unerring time be all this committed.
All you need do is listen to very smart people and sift out the ideas that are unworthy or implausible, and I wouldn't pretend for a moment that I hadn't made lots of mistakes and there are companies, perhaps, that we had been investors in.
In the long run, you can never accomplish a worthy end with an unworthy means.