Obesity Quotes
I'm not saying that McDonald's gift certificates caused the obesity epidemic, but in retrospect, the timing is kind of suspicious.
Contradictory as it seems, malnutrition is a key contributor to obesity.
Gluttony, do not eat thy neighbor's wife's popcorn.
Getting kids moving is a key factor in tackling obesity and health problems among the young.
All I'm trying to do is wipe out heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.
There are five issues that make a fist of a hand that can knock America out cold. They're lack of jobs, obesity, diabetes, homelessness, and lack of good education.
I think Michelle Obama is on the right track with her Let's Move campaign to bring down childhood obesity. She and I come from the same state, Illinois, which is number four in the nation for obese children. One out of five Illinois children are considered obese. Not overweight, obese. And two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese.
We still don't know what evolutionary significance to attach to it, but it is at the very least interesting that a telomere gene is related to obesity.
Each and every one of us has unknowingly played a part in the obesity problem.
It is said that the way to prevent obesity is not to allow kids to become overweight in the first place. But it takes a multi-pronged approach that has to start with parents. Kids are just too young to understand the consequences of obesity.
If we don't somehow stem the tide of childhood obesity, we're going to have a huge problem.
Every cure of obesity must begin with these three essential precepts:discretion in eating, moderation in sleeping, and exercise.
Obesity now contributes to the death of more than 360,000 Americans a year. The incidence of childhood obesity is now at epidemic levels. Alarm bells are going off all over the place. But our government has done virtually nothing.
I'm very proud of my breasts, as every woman should be. It's not cellular obesity. It's womanliness.
Obesity among young Americans is a serious problem that can have serious ramifications in the long run.
Thou seest I have more flesh than another man, and therefore more frailty.
The number of kids affected by obesity has tripled since 1980, and this can be traced in large part to lack of exercise and a healthy diet.
We're all moving at such a high rate that we have to grab frozen dinners and McDonald's. We can't make it a way of life - we have to get back to real, simple, clean good foods. It will save our lives on so many levels; not just spina bifida, but obesity, diabetes, everything. Food is our medicine.
To say that obesity is caused by merely consuming too many calories is like saying that the only cause of the American Revolution was the Boston Tea Party.
For the first time since 2007, the FDA Has approved a new device to treat obesity. The amazing breakthrough is called a vegetable.
I know a fat girl, she wears an orange skirt. You give her twenty dollars and you can do your work.
Inside it drives me crazy, my insecurities could eat me alive.
We used to be calorie poor and now the problem is obesity. We used to be data poor, now the problem is data obesity.
So why is a third of our world battling obesity and spending huge sums to burn off excess calories, while the other two-thirds yearn to get more of them?