Momentary Quotes
Worry is momentary atheism crying out for correction by trust in a good, sovereign God. Suffering breaks self-reliance.
I have become an obstinate heretic in the eyes of my colleagues. Momentary success carries more power of conviction than reflections upon principles.
Violence often brings about momentary results.
One must learn to give up momentary, uncertain and destructive pleasure for delayed, restrained, but dependable pleasure.
Achievements of life are momentary, but realizations are longer lasting.
At my worst, I even resented Nic because an addict, at least when high, has a momentary respite from his suffering. There is no similar relief for parents or children or husbands or wives or others who love them.
All moral elevation consists first and foremost of being weaned from the momentary.
The next album I make might be the most messed up thing ever. It's all momentary for me.