Lines Quotes
The rule I have when choosing films is the excitement factor, I need to feel excited about the story and whatever message the film has - only then do I sign on the dotted line.
Dreams disdain fine lines and finishing touches on landscapes – they content themselves with thick but representative brushstrokes.
Art brings out the grand lines of nature.
It’s making a statement about what life is, really. And I’m going to end the line with it.
I respect the state workers and I respect their unions, but we simply can't afford to pay benefits and pensions that are out of line with economic reality.
The bad boys get all the best lines.
I just think that pick-up lines in general are horrible. None of them work.
It's rare to work on a series without a writer. If you have a question about a line, then phone calls have to be made.
So I just play the character, I play the lines.
When you're on the road, you have to be louder and you have to communicate. That's really the bottom line.
Sensitivity and money are like parallel lines. They don't meet.
It's the cushiest job, but some lines are so funny that I crack up.
Somewhere down the line everyone must pay for their misdeeds.
Underneath runs the main current of preoccupation, which is keeping one's nose clean at all times. This means that when things go wrong you have to pass the blame along the line, like pass-the-parcel, till the music stops.
I would join Sisyphus in Hades and gladly push my boulder up the slope if only, each time it rolled back down, I were given a line of Aeschylus.
Any tightrope walker can walk in a straight line and hold a cane at the same time. It's the balancing on the rope at those dizzying heights that they have to practise
They're not your words, but you're reciting the lines.
I think, in comedy, timing is everything. You and I could tell the same joke, but if one of our timing is off, it won't be as funny. You've gotta know when to deliver your punch-lines.
I come from a line of great Sicilian women, and their mentality is to endure and push through to the other side.
I put everything in that last lap, it was very emotional when I crossed the line. It was all I had, I gave it all.
If I keep striving to put on the best quality show based on the values I have, I don't have to think "oh we're crossing the line" because the line is built in. We follow that and do the best quality work we can.
Investments are like trains, and if you miss one, don’t worry because another one will come down the line.
Beyond 100,000 lines of code, you should probably be coding in Ada.
I don't like to try strange foods. I like to explore different foods, but if you ask me to eat crocodile or frogs... I'm like no. That's where I draw the line.