Success Quotes
Unless you are able to influence the way others think and act, your chances for success are limited.
I once heard someone say that success is not hocus pocus but focus focus.
True strength is shown by the person who remains humble, quiet, & positive throughout all adversity and maintains their path towards success.
Success is a an attitude and state of mind where I feel the exhilaration of knowing that I made a difference for many, did this doing what I love, and maing alot of money in the process so I get to experience many things in this extraordinary world. The most important part of success is a deep knowing that I made a difference for others.
You can have all the riches and success in the world, but if you don't have your health, you have nothing.
What strikes me is that there's a very fine line between success and failure. Just one ingredient can make the difference.
If you yourself desire establishment, then help others to get establishment; if you yourself want success, then help others to attain success.
The native American has been generally despised by his white conquerors for his poverty and simplicity. They forget, perhaps, that his religion forbade the accumulation of wealth and the enjoyment of luxury... Furthermore, it was the rule of his life to share the fruits of his skill and success with his less fortunate brothers. Thus he kept his spirit free from the clog of pride, cupidity, or envy, and carried out, as he believed, the divine decree-a matter profoundly important to him.
Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times.
I will work hard to try to get rid of the death penalty. If I could do that, with all the other things I have not succeeded in doing, I would consider my political career to have been a resounding success.
Success is having a career that you love with every fiber in your body.
If you can measure success in this business based on happiness alone I feel like I've hit the lottery.
I have been told many times that when I win I make my people proud to be Australian. I am Aboriginal, I am one of them and every time I win or am honoured like this it should be an example to Aboriginal people who may think they have nowhere to go but down. But more importantly I am an Australian and I would like to make all Australians feel proud to be Australian. Ours is a truly multicultural society and should be united as such. I would like to believe that my successes are celebrated by all Australians, bringing our nation together.
People seldom see the halting and painful steps by which the most insignificant success is achieved.
You'll sacrifice a lot of things in the early part of your career to be successful, but to be ahead of your competitors, you have to work hard.
Congratulations to Alex Rodriguez on his 660th home run, milestones in baseball are meant to be broken and I wish him continued success throughout his career.
With success comes expectation, and I know the expectation on me is going to be pretty high.
These strengths, and our civilization in general, have reached an apogee with the end of the apocalyptic threats of the Cold War and the end - or at least waning - of less successful, and ultimately less "just," political and economic systems. At the turn of the 21st century we appear to be entering our greatest century, a golden age. The challenge that we face is similar to that of the Classic Maya civilization: we have set in motion a "runaway train" of success.
Overall the first round-robin was a success. The winners of Pool B will have their hands full next week facing rested Korea and Japan teams.
Better to master one mountain than a thousand foothills.
The secret of my success is a two word answer: Know people.
Everybody has barriers and obstacles. If you look at them as containing fences that don't allow you to advance, then you're going to be a failure. If you look at them as hurdles that strengthen you each time you go over one, then you're going to be a success.
The measure of the state's success is that the word anarchy frightens people, while the word state does not.
Success is important only to the extent that it puts one in a position to do more things one likes to do.