Believer Quotes
The self-assured believer is a greater sinner in the eyes of God than the troubled disbeliever.
You can wait your whole life for the right moment and it might never come, so I'm a big believer in making now the right moment.
Life is only worth-while through the eyes of a believer.
When we sing praises to our Lord, we join in the chorus that creation has been singing from the beginning of time. And it is the same anthem that we as believers will be singing for all eternity.
The true believer is in a high degree protected against the danger of certain neurotic afflictions; by accepting the universal neurosis he is spared the task of forming a personal neurosis.
It was my first impulse, but I chose to play the priest as a true believer who was an absolute man of faith that absolutely supports the church.
The challenge of the believer is to take the faith that you got in here and take it to the place out there.
I'm a big believer in pushing yourself outside your comfort zone and stretching yourself artistically, but not at the expense of foolishness.
If you call yourself a non-believer, you're referring to disbelief in something, and you're acknowledging that there is something to believe in or not.
I am a great believer in the OHIO principle: Only handle it once. When you read an e-mail, decide whether or not to reply to it, and, if you need to reply, do so right then and there. I have found that about 80 percent of all e-mails, whether internal or external, do not require a response.
The more a believer wishes to live the absolute call of God, the more essential it is to do so in the heart of human distress.
The believer in magic and miracles reflects on how to impose a law on nature--: and, in brief, the religious cult is the outcome of this reflection.
Walt Disney was a great believer in the use of song to convey story. He was primarily a storyman & story-driven songs were his 'pets.' He always asked what was going on with the song - he hated 'singing heads.' He loved learning about character & motivation thru music & lyrics.
Don’t try to plan everything out to the very last detail. I’m a big believer in just getting it out there: create a minimal viable product or website, launch it, and get feedback.
As long as a believer is worrying about whether or not they are truly saved, they will never grow up in spiritual maturity. It basically guarantees that a Christian will remain stuck in spiritual infancy. And worse, it paints a picture of God that is not only untrue but also unbiblical. It cheapens the gift of salvation – the gift of grace – and make God look like a finicky human.
Jesus is now the Lord; He is enthroned at the right hand of God; He is reigning in His kingdom. But this is a Lordship and a kingly reign which is known only to believers. It must be confessed by faith. His Second Coming will mean nothing less than the Lordship which is His now will be visible to all the world. When we pray, 'Thy kingdom come,' this is what we are praying for: the effectual and universal rule of Christ in all the world, not only over believers.
Donald Trump is a staunch believer in the Second Amendment.
I am a firm believer in playing the type of music that compliments the song the best. If it's a folk song make it sound like one. If it's a rock song make it sound like one, if it's a rap song take it off the record.
I'm a really firm believer that anyone can get pretty good at anything if you just do it all the time and you just keep working at it.
We have become dangerously comfortable- believers ooze with wealth and let their addictions to comfort and security numb the radical urgency of the gospel.
I'm just a big believer in 'you must love yourself before you can love anybody else,' and I think for me that breeds the most inspired relationships.
Death is a confirmation of the believer's creed. For the skeptic it is discovery, immense and late.
Baptists are very strong believers that the civil magistrate is ordained by God to punish those who do evil.
The believer is happy. The doubter is wise.