Whiskey Quotes
Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite and furthermore always carry a small snake.
Drown in a cold vat of whiskey? Death, where is thy sting?
Suggested remedy for the common cold: A good gulp of whiskey at bedtime-it's not very scientific, but it helps.
Well, I wish some of you would tell me the brand of whiskey that Grant drinks. I would like to send a barrel of it to my other generals.
We make our own whiskey and our own smoke, too. Ain't too many things these ole boys can't do.
We sat around and I fed them barbecue and whiskey. And pretty soon everyone started to compete with each other on the guitars. It seemed the more everyone drank and ate, the more everyone got into it.
But to hear Kennedy when he was grandstanding in front of the McClellan Committee you might have thought I was making as much out of the pension fund as the Kennedys made out of selling whiskey.
There is no such thing as bad whiskey. Some whiskeys just happen to be better than others. But a man shouldn't fool with booze until he's fifty; then he's a damn fool if he doesn't.
As a cure for worrying, work is far better than whiskey. I always found that, if I began to worry, the best thing I could do was focus upon doing something useful and then work very hard at it. Soon, I would forget what was troubling me.
I was in a slightly befuddled state by this time and the potent combination of watery beer and whiskey was bringing on a severe attack of drawing, as always happens when I start seeing unusual faces through a haze of controlled drinking. My body becomes a protective casing and lets me observe through the two keyholes on the front of my head.
I learned early to drink beer, wine and whiskey. And I think I was about 5 when I first chewed tobacco.
Bernard always had a few prayers in the hall and some whiskey afterwards as he was rather pious.
And it's certainly bad, but when a man spends his relief checks on green whiskey his children have a way of crying from hunger pains. I don't know of any landowner around here who begrudges those children any game their father can hit. Of course he shouldn't, but he'll never change his ways. Are you going to take out your disapproval on his children?
As a cure for worrying, work is better than whiskey.
Your bird drinks whiskey and eats tobacco?" The old man frowned."Just be lad he doesn't like eatin' scrawny boys that don't know their way 'round the Otherworld.
You put three girls in a house, and all of a sudden before you know it, you're talking about boys and drinking whiskey, and things go down and you get deep real quick.
There are people who read too much: the bibliobibuli. I know some who are constantly drunk on books, as other men are drunk on whiskey or religion. They wander through this most diverting and stimulating of worlds in a haze, seeing nothing and hearing nothing.
The whiskey is amazing to me. I wonder why I never realized that I would like it. I wonder why I never tried it before. Liking it so much is dangerous now, and so I hold it and look through it, and drink it very slowly.
Keep your best whiskey in a bottle marked ‘mouthwash.’
Logic, like whiskey, loses its beneficial effect when taken in too large quantities.
I'm a beer man. I tried to drink whiskey and Scotch, but I don't get it. It smells like a girl who didn't shower and just splashed a lot of perfume on.
Meanwhile back at mama's.The porch light's on, come in if you wanna.Supper's on the stove and beer's in the fridge.Red sun sinkin' out low on the ridge.Games on the tube and daddy smokes cigarettes.Whiskey keeps his whistle wet.Funny the things you thought you'd never miss.In a world gone crazy as this.
Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
Ammu had an elaborate Calcutta wedding. Later, looking back on the day, Ammu realized that the slightest feverish glitter in her bridegroom's eyes had not been love, or even excitement at the prospect of carnal bliss, but approximately eight large pegs of whiskey. Straight. Neat.