Banned Quotes
Unlike others who have been caught swearing on camera, I apologised immediately. And yet I am the only person banned for swearing. That doesn't seem right.
The Local Paper here asked that me books be banned........THE HIGHEST PRAISE for an Irish writer.
In many points in history films and filmmakers have been banned for political reasons- that's how annoying they can be to oppressing systems, how dangerous.
I wanted to live with the ****ing manta rays, but they banned me from Sea World.
I hate that word 'hate' - it should be banned.
God forbid that any book should be banned. The practice is as indefensible as infanticide.
People keep coming up to me and asking, 'How does it feel to be banned for life?' Banned for life. I wasn't banned for life. There was never a word of suspension, probation or ban in that agreement. It was never meant to be part of it.
Steve Jobs was notoriously blunt about products he found wanting, but his attack on Flash - Adobe's popular technology for playing multimedia content inside a browser - was particularly vicious. Claiming it was buggy and insecure, Jobs banned it from the iPad.
I banned bottled water from my house - we have a water-filter system so you can drink from the tap. We always drink out of glass, and recycling is a huge deal, which everybody can partake in.
First of all, a player has to know what is banned and what is not banned.
The Koran is a fascist book which incites violence. That is why this book, just like Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, must be banned.
Time is not infinite and the European Commission has banned further state aid.
First, the homeless population increase, which provides a source of food which supports population growth, second, many local governments, including Los Angeles, have banned the most effective practices for detecting and eradicating rats.
Smoking is a dirty habit that should be banned from America by the Government, instead of moderate alcoholic drinking.
You are quite correct in saying that I banned the export of monkeys on a humanitarian basis and not because the number was lessening... I believe in preventing cruelty to all living beings in any form.
So just remember that this is the first sign of trouble- if books are banned, that means that things are going wrong.
Here lies Mickey Mantle. Banned from baseball.
If you're taking performance-enhancing drugs and you get caught, in my mind, you should be banned for life.
No,you're officially banned from listening to us. Or thinking about this. Or even thinking about thinking about this, understand?
I've not given up hope the belly-putter will be banned. The R and A and the USGA are looking at it right now.