Owl Quotes
We filmed one scene on the beach and there was definitely weird energy around, and we were followed around by a white owl to several different locations, and little things like that, or certain mishaps would happen and you'd have to wonder what that was about.
Rachel True
'I’m an owl; you’re another. Sir Critic, good day.'And the barber kept on shaving.
James Thomas Fields
When you realize my best selling books are 'Owl Moon,' the 'How Do Dinosaur' books, and 'Devil's Arithmetic,' how can the public make sense of that! I have fans who think I only write picture books or only write SF and fantasy. I have fanatics of my poetry and are stunned to find out I write prose, too!
Jane Yolen
I am a night owl. I always have been... and I'd like to think I always will be, although surely having children will put a stop to my nightly affairs with myself.
Rachel Nichols
I'm a night owl for sure. I was born at 1 A.M., and that's the excuse I use.
Karla Souza
I'm an owl; I'm up. I probably go to sleep during the time when most people wake up. The first half of the day, you might not catch me.
Jeremih Felton
When we asked Pooh what the opposite of an Introduction was, he said 'The what of a what?' which didn't help us as much as we had hoped, but luckily Owl kept his head and told us that the Opposite of an Introduction, my dear Pooh, was a Contradiction; and, as he is very good at long words, I am sure that that's what it is.
A. A. Milne
In eras when authority or at least specific authorities have been questioned, there is more tendency to examine the roots of and the need for authority. The owl of Minerva flies not in the dusk but in the storm.
Kenneth Arrow
The owl, that bird of onomatopoetic name, is a repetitious question wrapped in feathery insulation especially for Winter delivery.
Hal Borland
I used to be a night owl. I no longer am a night owl.
Haley Bennett
I used to be a bitch. I met her at Hooters. She didn't have big boobs, but she could turn her head in a circle just like an owl. (p. 2).
Larry the Cable Guy
Who wouldn't want to see some owl eggs?" I said, "Come on then, they are down here." He said, "Tallulah, the answer to who wouldn't want to see some owl eggs is... me!!!!
Louise Rennison